Fire And Water

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If there was one thing that Mina longed for when it came to this revision summer class hell, it was excitement and stimulation. Something that made it less of an absolute chore. Something that just didn't make her want to split her head open on a desk in a desperate attempt to add some colour into the absolute tedious dreaded bleakness of the whole escapade.

Of course, naturally, she was pretty pissed off when it came to Aizawa-sensei, promising to let them off the hook with revision sessions, and then just yanking the carpet from underneath them. She should have been used to it by now. They all should have been used to it by now. They all collectively blamed their fatigue for their inability to deduce the 'Logical Ruse'. None of them were in the slightest bit happy with their current predicament. They all had only themselves to blame for having to take these sessions in the first place, that was true, but that didn't mean that they had to like it, in any way.

She knew it would serve to help her in the end. In the back of her mind, she did acknowledge this, and she thought that everyone else did too, even though none of them liked it. None of them wanted anything to do with it, but they all did know that it would help, in the long run.

To use Aizawa-sensei's metaphor, it was like a carrot at the end of a stick.

A carrot that was bitter, rotten, and filled with sleep-inducing pills, but a carrot nonetheless.

"Isn't it funny?!"

Mina very audibly groaned, making absolutely no effort whatsoever to hide her exasperation. This dude again...

"The amazing Class A, producing a whole five failures, while class B only had a single one!" Neito Monoma, again, proving that he was odd beyond all sense of the word. Erratic and frankly, not all there.

"What the hell is your malfunction, dude?!" Kirishima posed the question that literally everyone else in the room was thinking, sounding more exasperated than he did angry. His eyes were just as wide as anyone else's, before he just gave up, allowed his face to fall, and plodded over to a seat behind the Copy Quirk user.

Whom was still laughing away, now facing the board, like he was remembering the most hilarious joke that had ever been conjured by a human being. It bordered the line from being irritatingly smug – Even in the face of his own failure - Into just outright creepy.

"What is wrong with that guy?..." Mina muttered towards her red haired classmate, seriously unsure of what to even make of this guy. He was reaching a point where he was straight up starting to freak her out. She didn't think she'd lose much sleep if she never saw him again.

"He was going on about this yesterday too..." The Hardening Quirk user recounted while he pulled a chair from under the table and began to sit down. His expression was more one of resignation and an adamant refusal to even question the situation anymore.

"I wanna know what makes him tick." The pink girl said, before she sat down in her own seat with a long sigh. All the bizarre eccentricities that came from the blonde boy in front of her put to one side, she still was fully aware that she was looking at maybe another four of five hours of a lecture.

Note taking. Listening for hours. Unable to move aside from to write more characters. Bored out of her skull.

Another sigh. "Just focus, Mina..." She whispered to herself as she clapped her hands against her cheeks to try and sharpen her senses, attempting to motivate herself, or just convince herself to pay attention. "Just gotta get through this if you wanna be a good Hero..."

Three seconds passed.

And then she sighed again. "This is gonna suck."

"Attention, everyone!"

Awkward Energy - MinaDekuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant