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Being back in his Hero Costume was a rather warm moment for Izuku. There wasn't really any other word he could use to describe the feeling other than warm. He would almost have called it nostalgic, were it not for the fact he'd only been out of costume for a couple of weeks at the most. It felt like he'd been away from it for far, far longer. It felt good, and he couldn't stop the smirk grow growing from his lips, even if he wanted to try.

It felt insanely good to be back in classes, even if they were still supposed to be in Summer break. He was getting exactly what he wanted – Getting throw right back into classes so he could get on with his life, and working once again, towards being the Hero that he always wanted to be. There was bound to be some rust and sluggishness to his moves, since he'd been laid up for a full week, and his injuries were still present from his time as a hostage, so he knew that ahead of him, was a mountains worth of work, both for him to catch up on as he re-discovered his abilities, and figured out what he was going to do next.

In the time that had passed since both he and Mina had been at Yuuei, a new task had been laid out in front of them – The development of super moves. Something which the rest of their classmates had already dived right into while they were away.

"Super moves... So, what, stuff like All Might's United States of Smash thing?" Mina asked for clarification from one of the many clones that Ectoplasm had sent out around Gym Gamma to observe and assist the many students in their quests of self-improvement.

"For simplicities sake, yes." The clone responded with a nod. "Personally, I think that would be more accurately an 'Ultimate Move', but you've got the right idea. I'd say Iida's Recipro Burst would be more in line with what we're going for here."

Quirks, after all, were intensely flexible, depending on the power that one had. It wasn't always a case of just charging right through with all the subtlety of a speeding train, but could be more methodical, experimental, and useful in so many different ways.

Super moves were good for brand recognition of particular Heroes, as well as being a way of smashing through an opponent's defences. Even if someone knew it was coming, reacting to Iida's speed increasing special move was borderline impossible. They let the user vary up their attacking style, and utilize their Quirk for maximum impact. A move that just pushed the Quirk all that bit further, and in such a way that it became harder for Villains to counter.

In a sense they almost became trademarks of the Hero in question as well. With some famous Heroes, all one needed to hear was the name of their attack, and images of that Hero. They were the moves young kids would pretend to use when playing as the Heroes that they admired.

"Got it!" Mina's hands pumped up and down whilst a smirk grew on her lips. "I know exactly what I'm going for!"

She didn't waste a single second either – Instantly, she turned on her heels, and took aim at the target – Little more than a block of concrete Cementoss had conjured up – And swung her arms back. Then, she pushed them forward, the wrists meeting one another, and from her open palms, she shot out a large ooze of Acid.

Only to have it barely get half a meter in distance before it began to fall to the ground.

"Well?" She turned towards both her boyfriend and their teacher, with a big smirk on her face like she had just developed one of the greatest moves since the Detroit-Delaware Smash. "Whaddya think?!"

Izuku couldn't help but feel his face twitch in amusement, and a small sigh escape his lips. She certainly had an idea of what she was going for – Couldn't be any denial about that, but she didn't seem to quite understand the physics behind her own Quirk.

The Ectoplasm clone seemed to have a similar reaction, but without the amusement. Instead, he was more focused on the practicality of such a move. And apparently decided that her idea had its merits. "If your goal is to have more direction over where you shoot your acid, try creating a smaller exist with your fingers." Mina blinked at him, but followed his instructions, creating a smaller mouth with her hands, until only a narrow exit remained. "there, like that."

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