Day Out At Kiyashi-Ward Mall!

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What was it she'd said? That statistically, she had a better chance of succeeding against the Headmaster than Izuku had against All Might? That made sense, didn't it? Nedzu was just a small creature, and his Quirk High Spec wasn't exactly fantastic for combat situations. He had a Quirk that really only helped him in combat situations in a niche way, like strategy, and since a strategist traditionally didn't get thrown into battle, Mina had almost written him off to an extent.

That was a much easier thing to do when he wasn't operating building equipment and swinging a fucking wrecking ball at them.

"Holy craaaa-aaa-aaap!" Another swipe of metal that came far too close for comfort made both Mina and Kaminari throw themselves onto the ground and shield themselves when the chunks of rubble from the building to their left, now utterly decimated by the impact of the operating machinery, slammed into e ground around them and threatened to batter into them.

She and Kaminari wound up running like their lives depended on it - And both were growing increasingly concerned that they actually were! All Might may punch someone into next week, but he wasn't going to kill them!

The Headmaster on the other hand, Mina was growing more and more concerned that he was just absolutely freaking crazy.

"Ashido, you doin' okay?!" Kaminari called over to her, trying to make his way towards her during the now relative calmness around them. The pattern of Nedzu's attacks seemed to cause just a few moments of utter chaos and brutality, which were then followed with brief calmness, probably with him planning which way to mess with them next.

"I'm good." Responded the slightly dazed girl, accepting his hand and help up. The second she got onto her feet, she scanned the area, hoping for a glimpse, a sign, something - Anything - That would help them pin down their targets location. "I don't even know where these attacks are coming from!"

"Aaaargh, you'd think a freakin' wrecking ball wouldn't be this hard to spot!" The Electrification Quirk user exclaimed, slapping his hand against his forehead, his fingernails suddenly scratching against his skin as his hand became a fist. "How're we supposed to beat an opponent that we can't even freaking find?!"

It was absolutely absurd, but it was totally true at the same time. Despite the knowledge that their opponent was working with some sort of demolishing equipment, which sure wasn't going to be small, neither of them could figure out exactly where these attacks were coming from! While the wrecking ball would come suddenly and obliterate some structure nearby, Mina and Kaminari were too busy trying to get crushed to make note of where the giant ball of metal went before it disappeared. Shortly, the process would repeat itself, and they'd be right back to square one. They had no way of pinpointing exactly where the damn thing was!

"Kaminariii, can't you just do something with your Quirk or something?"

"Why does no-one know how my Quirk works?! I can't control where the electricity goes, and even if I could, I don't know where the damn guy is!" He was falling back into panic, like he usually did in combat. It was probably his biggest weakness, especially since his Quirk fried his brain. "D'you want me to get stupid?!"

A small chuckle. "What d'you mean, 'Get stupid?'" Mina jabbed with a small smirk. While it was always fun to make fun of Kaminari, he tended to calm down when people started making jokes. He was good natured like that. She could already see him giving her an evil glare.

So that was a good sign.

In that moment, the announcer suddenly cracked into life, as it had done a few minutes ago to announce Todoroki and Yaoyarozu's victory. Another tram had passed, and so early in the exams too. "Team Bakugou and Midoriya have passed the examination!"

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