Missing A Train

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Fair warning - This is one part fanfic, one part writing exercise. Ill deviate from the cannon a bit, but overall the story will be pretty recognizable. So, sorry if you're not up for this. If you are, then let's take a look at what's what, shall we?

It wasn't long after returning to the classrooms that Midoriya noticed the bandages, previously wrapped firmly around his shattered arms, were slipping, loosening the grip they had around his recently healed limbs. He had tried tightening them himself, but since both his hands were totally battered, he had no success with this. Fighting Todoroki had left him absolutely beaten and broken, - Literally - struggling to even move his fingers until they had recovered. Even after recovering thanks to Recovery Girl's Quirk, he was still having trouble getting the feeling back into his fingers. Previous experience had taught him that he would need a short while before he would be able to feel the nerves in his hands fully again.

He decided that he'd have to go to see Recovery Girl again before he left today, so she could see if she could fix the bandages. The last thing he needed was his arms breaking again because he'd not bothered to get the faulty healing appendages looked at. He was already on slippery terms with the school nurse due to his overuse of his Quirk, and he didn't want to have to report to her the next day with another injury, particularly after the warning she had given him.

Coincidentally, the broken boy had arrived at his classroom door at the same time as another one of his classmates. The girl in front of him seemed to have just reached the door handle herself when she must have heard his footsteps from further down the corridor, as she turned her head in curiosity to see who it was, even though she had her hands on the classroom door handle. Mina Ashido, one of the classmates the awkward teenager hadn't spoken to particularly often. She wasn't an easy girl to miss, either, which made their lack of interaction somewhat more bizarre. Pink skin and equally pink, and messy hair, horns atop her head, and black sclera in her eyes, finished by yellow iris's that stood out like a firework against the night. She wasn't the kind of person you saw every day. She had changed from her gym clothes to the standard school uniform, as had Midoriya, although certain liberties had to be made thanks to the bandages he now wore. He had to wear his school jacket like a cloak around his neck, as opposed to Ashido, whom was able to properly and, surprisingly, given her personality, neatly.

Upon seeing him, Mina seemed to smile at him, removing her hand from their classrooms humongous door's handle and waved to him energetically, despite him being only a few meters away from her. "Midoriya!"

Not having spoken to her too much before, Midoriya broke into a small sweat, not too sure how to proceed with conversing with Ashido. Based on what little he knew about her, she was very sociable, energetic, and informal. He took a short intake of air before he responded, his wobbly smile forming in one corner of his mouth. "H-Hey, Ashido-san." One had to question how he was nervous when it came to interacting with people he'd not known all that well. For God's sake, he'd taken on villains, and had just a few hours ago, basically dared, and forced Todoroki to shoot fire – Freaking fire! - At him! How did he even possess the ability to be nervous when talking to his classmate?!

Ashido seemed to beam at his response, skipping over to him, and turning heel when she lined up next to him. There was just a short space between Midoriya and the door, so it hadn't really made a difference. "You doin' okay?"

"Urm... I guess the best I can be, considering..." Midoriya responded. Aside from the broken bones that were healing up, and reeling from the loss he had suffered, he was actually feeling okay about things. He wasn't entirely sure how they would pan out over the next few days, but he felt oddly optimistic about them.

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