Hang Out

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WARNING: Two characters will be appearing who we have never actually gotten names for. The two who buddied around with Bakugou during the first few chapters of the story. Since we don't know their names, using the same naming system Horikoshi uses, I made my own. Hope it fits.  

Having broken his bones so frequently in recent memory, Izuku had developed a small ritual for whenever he was able to toss aside the much hated castings that he had been enwrapped with so many times. It wasn't anything too extravagant. He didn't mark the occasion by lighting candles or playing music like some people might have done.

Really, all he did was sit at the kitchen table, and take off each casting independently, with his own hands. A symbol of the independence he would have to achieve in order to live up to the expectations All Might had set out for him. It might seem dumb to an outsider, but to Izuku, it meant the world to be able to free himself of the castings.

While he struggled getting the first one loose, due to his other hand still being imprisoned by the casts, he managed to fumble his way into tearing off one of the straps, allowing the bandages around his right arm to fall off, making a small amount cluttering noise on the kitchen table, as some of the cutlery left over from the previous night remained there. Upon his arm finally being free, Izuku stretched out his dominant arm, feeling his joints click back together after being cramped together for such an extended period of time. Slight disfigurement caught his eye when he saw his right hand, a scar cut clearly across the back of the now crooked hand. It was a serviceable hand, still capable of making a fist, holding a pencil, throwing a baseball, and everything in-between, but appeal wise, it certainly wasn't going to win any awards.

That was the price he paid for going as far as he did against Todoroki. Izuku had no regrets about it. In time, he would forget that his hand was ever normal, and he'd grow used to the slightly wonky fingers, and the unseemly scar.

Getting the casting off his second arm was a far easier task now that he had access to a posable thumb. It never took him too long to do. Unwrapping and unlatching everything, the green haired boy let out a sigh of relief when his left arm could now join the rest of his body in the feeling of fresh, clean, oxygen rich air around them.

Next came the leg cast, which he had off in about a minute. With the functionality of having two hands, getting out of a leg brace wasn't a challenge, by any stretch of the imagination.

Each of his limbs free, Izuku decided to check to go through phase two of his little ceremony. Again, it wasn't anything incredible. All he did was walk over from the dining table to the fridge, testing to see how his leg was able to handle his body weight. Recovery Girl's Quirk truly was amazing, and no matter how common an occurrence it was for the boy to end up having said Quirk used on him, he'd never say anything less about it. The incredible ability had basically healed his leg once again. It had been enough to walk on for days, but the nurse had always been very insistent on him keeping on traditional castings, to help defend his vulnerable limbs.

He stretched off his leg, feeling the click once again. It was a lot rarer of an event for his legs to get broken, since he favoured using arms to fight, but during his final leap at his opponent, he'd shattered one of his legs. In hindsight, he wasn't going to get back up after that leap, even if he had somehow won. He hadn't really been thinking that plan all the way through. Although, that implied he was even working with a plan at that point, and he himself wasn't even sure that he was.

And finally, the last stage in his ceremony - Probably the most laughable part about this entire routine he put himself through - He reached for the fridge door, and retrieved one of the many bottles of water from within. It was all a ritual to acquire bottled water. If it wasn't for the fact that he had to do these things anyway, Izuku would have found it dramatic. Now, whenever he took off the castings that had kept him pinned for days, it felt natural and liberating to finally do something so trivial, so now he treated his ritual as his return to the world, to independence.

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