Better Late Than Never

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Mina wasn't the sort of person to be particularly bothered when it came to the weather, regardless of what it was, rain, shine, snow, or even a tornado. She'd always know a way or two to make the most of a bad situation, and enjoy what was there while it was there. But she had a mild dislike of the rain, really just for a couple of reasons. Well, mostly just one.

The only really practical issue she ever had with the thousands of collective droplets of water falling from the sky was how it messed with her Quirk. Water washing away any Acid she made weakened, or in some cases totally negating the effects of her powers, which didn't exactly do much for her endearment towards the rain. As one might imagine, for someone training to be a Hero, that was a fairly large deal.

To combat such a disadvantage, Mina took an extra precaution when faced with the issue of precipitation. In addition to her raincoat, characteristically colourful and bright, filled with the primary colours of red and yellow on a sea of black behind it, and a few pins and buttons, to match her colourful personality, she wore a poncho, which in keeping with her own colour scheme, was bright pink. She thought that she might as well get some fun out of the plastic device, and see if she could confuse passer-by's and see if they thought a poncho had somehow developed legs and began to run off on its own.

Unlikely, considering the following - The only issue that she ever had with either of these were her horns - Since they jutted out of her skull a bit further up her head, they prevented her from always pulling her hood up fully, so whatever precautions she took, short of carrying an umbrella everywhere, like she was forced to right now, this object not at all colourful, but instead a shade of coal black, she'd always end up with rain hitting her in the face.

'I should put in a special request at a clothes store or something...' She found herself thinking of a hoodie with specially designed holes in the hood that she could slot her horns though a few times, but she'd usually forget about it by the time she was someplace warm and dry. She tugged the poncho hood as far as she could pull it over her horns, praying that it wouldn't snap. She was already in the middle of the rain right now, she didn't want to be dealing with her poncho misbehaving now! "C'mon, you plastic piece-a junk..."

As she did so, she began to wonder if she should make some modifications to her Hero costume, since it'd be pretty hard to be the Hero Tokyo both deserved and needed if she could be countered by someone throwing tap water at her.

Ashido Mina - Defeated by the hated Villain, Tapman, the Quirkless Villain who threw bottles of lukewarm tap water at everyone he saw. God, she could practically see the headlines now.

The thought of the fictional Quirkless Villain brought her thoughts right back around to the very real, very much Heroic classmate, and her friend, Midori.

Both of them had shared a conversation of text messages throughout the entirety of Sunday. They hadn't discussed anything in particular, just what came into their heads, from school, to Heroes, to games, their classmates, and to family. No real structure, and occasionally, one of them would go missing for an hour here, or ten minutes there, but neither of them minded. It had been a conversation Mina had thoroughly enjoyed.

Last Saturday, she had learned so much about Midori, what made him tick, and how his brain worked. He'd told her something so incredible, so absolutely mind boggling, she couldn't believe she'd even heard it at times. To think, someone would actually attempt the Yuuei admission tests while believing themselves to be totally Quirkless... That in itself was something that deserved respect. She'd never even heard of that before. Sure, there weren't any restrictions on people without Quirks attempting to get into Yuuei, but any sane individual knew that the chances of that ever actually happening were basically non-existent.

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