Izuku And Mina's Hero Team

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"Midoriya, are you and Ashido dating?"

It sounded like something a gossip would drag someone away to ask away from everyone else so as not to start rumours unfoundedly. A gossip with that sort of integrity was a rarity in itself, and Izuku certainly knew just how impossible it was to find someone who cared about if their stories were true or not. He'd run into plenty during his Middle School days. Disregarding every single aspect of that though, it certainly hadn't even come close to what Izuku had been expecting to hear out of Aizawa-sensei when he'd lead him outside the classroom. The Erasure Quirk user couldn't be even further from that sort of person if he even tried to be. He could only be less like that if he never spoke at all.

For a short while, Izuku just stood there, gawking at his homeroom teacher with absolutely no clue what he was supposed to even do or say here. There wasn't much that he could think about, let alone say in this situation. Part of him questioned the legality of what was going on here. Were teachers even allowed to ask questions regarding pupil's personal lives like this?

In fact scratch that. If it was illegal, Aizawa would probably still ask anyway if he felt it important to ask. The real question here was, why on earth would Aizawa even care?

Not caring about societal appearances was one thing that everyone knew that Aizawa couldn't care less about. In his own words, he couldn't give the slightest damn about what it was that other people thought of him, because caring about how the rest of the world was going to look at you was totally illogical, and could even affect your duties as a Hero. And while he was correct there, popularity was also something Heroes had to keep in consideration, not that that was important right now. Either way, him coming up and questioning Izuku's love life was...

Really starting to creep the young boy out.

A lot.

"U-uh..." He stammered nervously, looking up at his taller conversation partner and feeling slightly intimidated. Aizawa just looked back at him, his face expressing neutrality as it always did, though his mouth was covered by the fibre-alloy weapon which he always kept handy, and by just covering up that small part of his face, made him that bit more tricky to read than he normally was. It made Izuku flinch that extra bit when he blinked.

"Are you going to answer? We don't have all day." He asked flatly, staring daggers straight into his student. It wasn't like he was aiming to intimidate, or even coerce an answer from Izuku, but rather, he felt it important to get an accurate answer as quickly as possible.

After all, if they were dating, and if they were serious about one another, then they had some choices they needed to make. Truth be told, Aizawa thought very little of his pupils dating one another, as he saw it as no personal business of his, and outside of being their homeroom teacher, he had little reason to care. But as their homeroom teacher, he had to make sure to help them down the right path, and especially with regards to dating Heroes, there were discussions that needed to be had.

For a second, the holder of One For All was seriously considered lying to Aizawa right then and there. The temptation was rapidly making itself known to the timid green haired boy, and the temptation was certainly strong. This entire atmosphere felt crushing, like an interrogation, and frankly, he wasn't sure he even wanted Aizawa to know his personal relationships... But common sense won him over. Mina wasn't one for subtlety, even under the best of circumstances. She was far too open about her love and was much too publicly affectionate for any lie Izuku made to even be slightly believable. He'd be caught out within five minutes of lessons being over. And besides... His homeroom teacher wouldn't have bothered calling him out of the room to interrogate him like this if he wasn't already a hundred percent certain about their relationship. There had to be some kind of reason behind why he was even bothering to ask, hadn't there?

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