Physical Preparation

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When Izuku heard the cheer that Mina had made when the Written Examinations were over, he found himself smiling without meaning to. The second that talking, moving, and all other non-test related things were permitted again, she's leaped out of her chair and thrown her arms into the air, like she were calling upon the Gods themselves to join in with her celebrations. She looked like something had clicked within her head, like she'd figured out exactly what the teats questions had been going on about. Kamanari joined in with her when the two began to crowd their personal tutor, chanting her name like she had just saved the city.

So clearly, the cram sessions with Yaoyarozu had done wonders for her. That had made Izuku glad. When he'd gone with her to those sessions, she had, for the most part, focused and worked hard on what she was being taught. Occasionally, she would turn to Izuku to ask if he was able to understand what words were being thrown at them like an intellectual cannon. Izuku would then explain it to her as simply as he could, which seemed to help her figure things out. As he'd said for months, she wasn't an idiot by any stretch if the imagination. She just didn't learn things from books well, and needed a push-start to help her on her way.

And it had helped her, very clearly. She looked like she'd done well. She looked like she'd almost enjoyed it as well. Tests, as it turned out, were actually rather enjoyable when the person taking the test knew enough about the subjects to answer them. At least Mina looked like she thought so.

He himself, Izuku was calmly and quietly confident in his results. He'd studied a ridiculously large amount, and he hadn't struggled too hard with any questions that had been on the test, so he wasn't too worried. That said, he ended the written test with sweat running down his brow, having only just managed to finish his revised final answer within the time limit, seconds to spare. So it had been a tense time during the test, but now that it was over, he was fairly certain he'd done well.

Immediately after the written portion, the Hero course classes were granted an hours break, within which they were to get something to eat, though many opted not to in case they wound up throwing it back up, get into their Hero costumes, and gather at the assigned testing grounds for the Practical examination.

And still, they had no idea what they were supposed to expect. Though the fact that Aizawa had basically told them not to eat if they didn't enjoy throwing up didn't exactly make a lot of people feel better.

Though of pretty much anyone, Mina seemed to be more relaxed about the entire Practical.

"Hey, if it's robots, my Quirk's perfect for it!" She reasoned, smiling brightly. "I don't have to hold back at all!"

"It's kind of hard to see any of us failing a Practical test with robots." Tsuyu croaked, her head atypically rested in her arms. "We all passed the entrance exam, and if it's anything similar, then I don't think any of us really could fail."

It was a good point, and didn't seem to fit the level of difficulty that Yuuei operated at. For a school that prided itself on having the best Hero course in the world, which certainly did say miles for how difficult its course was going to be. Still, giving them robots seemed to be basically giving them a free pass. But it wasn't like Mina hadn't thought about that. Of course, there had been a lot of danger for them in the past few months, between the Villain attack at the USJ, and Izuku, Iida and Todoroki running into the Hero killer.

It was possible that they had decided that the students had been through more than enough. At least, that was the common conclusion by a lot of students now that they knew what the test would consist of.

Or hoped, at least. And even if it wasn't the case, if it was robots, it didn't matter. It would be fine. They could go all out either way.

Standing up, Mina stretched, her hands and arms reaching above and behind her head as she felt some of her joints click back into place. She stifled a yawn with her teeth, and glanced around her. Everyone was getting ready to attend the final exams, some eating very light foods that would give them energy over time, like carbohydrates. Some ate fruits like bananas to give them a small fill that wouldn't make them feel sick after getting the crap kicked out of them. A few were gathering their Hero costumes already, preparing to go and change and psych themselves up for the examinations.

Awkward Energy - MinaDekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora