Long Overdue - Part 3

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Katsuki Bakugou, Hero in Training – Why don't you join us?"

Those were the first words that had been spoken by Shigaraki when both Bakugou and Izuku were brought before him. The offer was immediately rejected by Bakugou, but Izuku noticed how his own name had been completely ignored. There was a reason for that. There wasn't any question. And he had a feeling that the answer wasn't going to be good for him.

News reports that criticized Heroes weren't exactly something that was uncommon. In a world that was filled to the brim with Quirks that varied from person to person, and the sheer number and popularity of Heroes that went hand in hand, the news talking about Heroism was pretty much a daily occurrence. The entire world listened when Heroes were the topic of discussion. They were almost universally admired by the masses, and any news on them was taken seriously. The same was true of the world's leading Hero school. Public interest in how Heroes were trained and taught was always something that people wanted to know more about.

Heroes were responsible for keeping the peace. They used their flashy Quirks and gained fame and popularity for the more things that they did. They were the only people who could freely use their Quirks and suffer no consequences for it. Many people owed their lives to the existence of Heroes, whom had saved them from certain doom, in many cases, time and time again. Many had been inspired by Heroes, and yearned to become one. Above all, most people trusted Heroes, willing to put their lives and safety in the hands of strangers they didn't know, because of the vows and dedications that these people behind the masks had. Heroes were at the forefront of society, in nearly all aspects, from advertising, to law and order.

So, when a place like Yuuei screwed up, the media were always the first people on it.

"This marks the fourth time this year that Yuuei students have been confronted by Villains. Some were even injured in this most recent event. What explanation have you given to the understandably concerned families of those in question? And additionally, please tell us in certain terms what measure's you've taken to prevent this sort of thing from happening again."

People wanted to know what had happened during the lodge invasion, and they wanted to know what was going on with Bakugou, whom had been reported to have been released, only to go missing yet again. People wanted to know what on earth was going on there. They wanted to know where Izuku Midoriya was, since he hadn't been seen since the invasion had ended. They wanted to know why Yuuei had suffered a string of screw ups over the past year. They wanted to know why the number one Hero school couldn't protect its own students. They wanted to know why the hell they should continue to put their faith in Heroes when they couldn't even look after their own, never mind those in the public.

They were legitimate concerns. There was no reason to assume that people who couldn't look after themselves could even begin to look after the countless thousands that inhabited any given city.

People tended to be fickle when it came to these kinds of things, though it was based in good reasoning. Nearly everyone in the world possessed a Quirk. That meant there was a near infinite number of ways that someone could snap, and user their powers to commit crime, or attack and harm, or even kill someone. Not all Quirks were capable of killing someone, no, but more than enough were for the public to be concerned about the ones who were supposed to protect them doing a good job.

Truth was, there wasn't really an answer as to why Yuuei had not been having the best year. The circumstances were simply beyond their control. For all the superpowers that their staff may possess, none of them had the ability to be in all places at once, to foresee every single eventuality, to prevent anything like this from happening. It was just the way that things were for those who wanted to be Heroes. They were still in training, sure, but being exposed to danger really was just going to be a part of that training process. Granted, the current year had been exposed to far more danger than what would be considered acceptable by Yuuei standards, but it wasn't like it was their fault.

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