The Risks

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Humming to herself, and finding herself wondering just where the hell Izuku was anymore, Mina sat on a bench on her own, kicking her feet back and forth in an in vain effort to find some kind of amusement in her total boredom. Izuku had been gone for quite a while now, and Ida, Kaminari and Hagakure had already moved along. Though they asked if she wanted to join them, Mina declined in order to wait for her boyfriend.

Who was certainly taking his sweet time. Where had he even run off to? It wasn't like the mall was lacking in places to acquire drinks. Had he gotten lost? How had he even managed to do that? It wasn't like he had a particularly bad sense of direction. If anything, he was more focused than the average person.

She'd sent him a few text messages, but it seemed like his phone was set to go to silent or vibrate mode whenever he received a text. Normally he would answer rather quickly to any messages that he received, since he checked it regularly enough to get updates on the various updates regarding Heroes in the media. But apparently he just wasn't checking his phone right now. Had it died? Unlikely. Izuku was the type of person to make certain that his phone was good to go before heading out, making it seem improbable that that was the case. Maybe he'd just forgotten to charge it?

Mina found herself absentmindedly browsing through her social media on her mobile device, liking a few posts by some of her old friends from middle school, responding to a couple of comments by some of those same friends who still couldn't quite get over the fact Mina had been in the Sports Festival, and a few that wanted to see this cute boy she kept mentioning in their chats. In truth, she was really just killing time until Izuku finally showed up.

Instead, when someone did actually call her name out, it wasn't even close to being Izuku's voice.

"Ashido?" When Mina looked who was calling her name, she saw that Uraraka had approached her, a plastic bag in her left hand that she made sure not to hit with every one of her finger pads in case her Quirk activated, and a look that seemed to border both curiosity and a certain sort of pity. "What's up? Why you sat here alone?"

"Oh, hey Ochako." Mina greeted, putting a smile on her face. Lowering her phone to her lap, she decided that engaging in conversation with the brunette in front of her was going to be far more entertaining than just browsing through her phone. "You on your own as well?"

Awkwardly laughing lightly, Uraraka nodded, her rosy cheeks reddening up just a bit. "Everyone rushed off before I could join a group. Everyone seemed to have their own ideas on what they wanted to get. I just went and got some bug spray and some drinks."

"Hey, you could hang with me and Izuku." Mina cheerfully offered with a huge smile on her face. "Once he gets back, anyway..."


"He said he was gonna get us some drinks like, ten minutes ago but he's still not shown up. I wouldn't mind but I can see literally three vending machines from here." She held up her phone, switched onto standby to help punctuate her next sentence. "I've tried his phone and everything, but either he's not getting a signal or his phones dead. I'm just waiting for him is all."

"Ah." Taking the open seat next to her classmate, Uraraka placed her carrying bag on her lap, and her rucksack on the floor by her feet. She offered Mina a polite smile and spoke with equal softness. "I was gonna say, you and Deku are pretty joined at the hip these days. I was surprised that he wasn't with you. You did kinda drag him along earlier."

"He still hangs with you and Iida, doesn't he?"

"Yeah. He's a lot more sociable with people now." Realising the tone that she was using, the Zero Gravity user held up her hands, rapidly waving them from side to side as if defend against incoming projectiles. "I-I'm not trying to sound like I'm trying to accuse you of something or anything! It makes perfect sense, you two are dating after all! It wouldn't be too good if you barely even spoke!"

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