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"...So, Izuku, not that I'm complaining or anything, but this is like, the second time today you've carried me like this." Mina informed the green haired boy with a sly smile on her lips, that would have almost counted as seductive, were it not for the circumstances that they found themselves within. 

With Mina picked up and held in Izuku's arms in the stereotypical bridal hold, through no effort of her own, Mina had found herself being whisked away by her boyfriend as Kuroshi's attacks had been hammering them with fireball after fireball, beams of flames, of every colour from red to blue to white in the colour spectrum that a fire could typically be.

They had, as far as she could tell, managed to escape their opponent. The attacks had stopped, and no-one else seemed to be around the place trying to attack them. Of course, they were only certain of this after doing a few scans, making sure that no one was lurking behind the shadows or rubble. They couldn't account for anyone who might have a Phasing Quirk, or anything like that, but there wasn't much they could do about that. Thankfully, someone with a Phasing Quirk wouldn't be able to do too much damage to them that they couldn't counter or avoid.

So they were safe. Hence Mina's flirting.

"Feels like you're trying to tell me something here." Teased the pink skinned girl. Since they had escaped the immediate danger, and to the best of her knowledge, Izuku wasn't planning some master strategy that involved standing perfectly still without moving in any way, she felt she could afford to at least play with him a bit.

To be perfectly honest, Mina thought this felt nice. The way that she was being held, it pulled her close to Izuku's body. It wasn't like it was a foreign feeling to her anymore, but it didn't change the fact that it felt genuinely nice. What she knew to be genuinely strong muscles felt soft right now, almost like pillows stuffed with cotton, since they weren't tense in any way. And it wasn't because he was knowing doing so, but the way he did hold her was kind. Soft. Gentle. Like he were holding something precious that he desired to protect, but understood that he needed to hold close to him.

Furthermore, the fact she was in her Hero Costume just aided the notion. Because of how her costume was one that revealed a fair amount of skin, and because Izuku's gloves were thin enough that he could still have the sensation of touch through them, they were able to transmit their warmth into her skin. Her legs and back were the main receptors to this. Of course she'd felt this warmth before - In more sensitive areas - Yet it still made her feel good.

The best way to put it was that it made her feel safe and comfortable. That was the effect Izuku had on her. He just made her feel warm and safe.

Although for his end, Izuku barely even had noticed he'd done this. Instinct had taken over when Kuroshi had launched a series of deadly blasts and attacks designed to either harm or scatter them, or just waste their time. Whatever his intentions had been, Izuku hadn't hesitated, or really even realized that he was doing it, but he'd leapt forward to grab Mina, picked her up, and hightailed it out of there with his Quirk as quickly as he could physically accomplish before they ended up being roasted by their attacker.

"...Oh." He said, blinking twice when he realized exactly what he was doing. He noticed that she was surprisingly light for someone her age and size. One would logically expect her to be heavier, but she was amazingly light, so much so that he'd barely even noticed her weight. Even more amazingly, he didn't even seem that embarrassed about what he'd done. The extent of his embarrassment seemed to be a slight red tint to his cheeks. "Sorry... I'll uh, let you stand now."

"Hey, I'm not complaining." Mina grinned. "It's kinda romantic. Like in the movies."

"...Which one?"

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