Silence And Shouting

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As it turned out, Mina had far more experience when it came to cooking and making food than Izuku ever did. Be it because she learned in school, her parents taught her, or she taught herself, was unclear, but the fact was that she was good. Very good. Far better than Izuku in any sense of the word.

It was primarily thanks to her knowledge and skill when it came to cooking that the curry Izuku had made actually turned from being nearly burnt, to actually something serviceable, and actually rather enjoyable, given their circumstances.

Not that that part was particularly difficult. Given their circumstances, burnt curry on burnt rice would have been enjoyable. No one was in any mood to complain.

Once all of the food was completed by everyone around them – A case which took a bit longer for the curly haired pair, since more food within the containers meant it would take longer to heat up, in a case of basic physics – it was all placed onto a single able, on which everyone was able to pick and choose what exactly they wanted to eat, sort of like an all service buffet. The logic behind said buffet was, as Iida had phrased it, because Heroes would need to be able to provide sustenance for trapped civilians. In those sorts of situations, usually in the cases of the natural disasters which hit Japan frequently, Heroes would help prepare and supervise recovery operations along with rescue workers and national relief efforts. That meant that everyone would be able to get however much food they needed.

That was true... But Mina had a feeling that he might just be overthinking things a bit in this particular case. Given how some people rolled their eyes at the Engine Quirk user, she had a feeling that she wasn't alone in this particular thought.

Everyone around them was stuffing their faces with as much food as they possibly could, half-starved from training all day on essentially empty stomachs, burning all of their reserves in fat and food through rigorous exercise and Quirk extension practice. Entire plates were devoured in minutes by some of the more gluttonous students within the first year students, before grabbing more just afterwards from the pile of available seconds.

The only real exception to this rule was both Izuku and Mina. Both of them ate normally, rather slowly compared to everyone else. While they sat next to one another, neither of them spoke to the other. Neither knew what to say. What it was that they should talk about when they were in the state they were currently in tight now. Feelings of awkwardness, uncertainty.

Primary cause for the reasons they were so quiet was Mina's statement that she wanted to wait until she'd cooled off before they discussed their disagreement. Izuku, for how curt an answer it was, felt that it was a smart idea. The last thing that he wanted was some sort of uncontrolled shouting match with Mina. Frankly, he didn't think he had it in him to start yelling at her, but if they reached that point.... It'd worry him.

So letting one another just calm down after that whole event... It was smart. Izuku felt he would have suggested the same thing, were their roles reversed.

But that wasn't so say that Mina had meant that she wanted to stop talking altogether, though. When she had said that she didn't want to talk about things until she'd calmed herself down, she didn't mean for that to translate to her not wanting to talk at all. Izuku had apparently taken her request that they just held off on talking about her confrontation with Bakugou

She stole a glance of Izuku in the corner of her eye, before returning to look at her food. She scooped up some with her spoon and shoved it into her mouth. She wasn't particularly hungry right now, and judging by how slowly Izuku was eating, he wasn't either. Their reasons for doing so were the same as the others.

Both might not have eaten all day, but their interactions with one another left them worried. Left that feeling of dread in their stomachs as they thought about the implications of their argument.

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