Never Separated (Reuploaded)

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Reupload after I had a better idea for the story. Just a small change at the end, everything else is the same.

Perhaps, on reflection, kissing Izuku like that, Mina thought, had been a bad idea.

She hadn't expected the reaction she'd gotten from him. Then again, given the kind of person that he was, she wasn't sure exactly certain what sort of a reaction she had been expecting in the first place. A blush? A return kiss? Him falling dumbstruck for her? Well, she was fairly confident that she achieved one of those things, judging from how he acted on Tuesday through Friday.

One of two things happened every morning that week. Either Izuku would walk in after Mina had arrived and then, after a polite wave and wobbly smile, during which his palms looks as red as his cheeks did, and then he'd make his way to his seat and try desperately to avoid making eye contact with her, or even be within a two meter proximity of if he could get away with it, going through some very convoluted routes to do so at times. At one point, he ended up doing an entire lap around Todoroki's seat, leaving the Half-Hot-Half-Cold boy giving Izuku a look like the guys brain had just fried.

The other thing that happened was those times where Mina arrived later than Izuku did, and those times, she didn't even get the wave. He'd check who had walked in, and engage in conversation with whoever the heck was near him at the time like it would make his heart start working again. Uraraka and Iida were common recipients of this, but Mineta and Todoroki, and even people he didn't speak to that often, like Kaminari and Kyouka were also included. This plan of his failed on the Thursday, when the only person who was close enough for this to work was Bakugou, who just unleashed an explosion in his palms as a warning of what was to happen if he kept trying to speak to him.

What was unique about their out of school interactions were how repetitive and otherwise barely existent they were. Izuku rarely started a conversation between the two, but whenever he did end up messaging her, he would send her the same message, all in capitals, every time. '1PM SATURDAY OUTSIDE YUUEI.' There wasn't any doubt in Mina's mind that it was done to convince himself that it hadn't all been a dream of some sort, that if she turned around and asked what the hell he was talking about, he'd instantly forget it ever happened. Like he was checking with her to see if it was still happening. Not that she ever did say that she was going to call it off. She was looking forward to their inevitably awkward date.

None of this meant that they didn't talk throughout the week whatsoever. They did, but their conversations weren't at all like they were previously. They spoke in short bursts at a time, before one of them made some sort of excuse, flustered, to do something else, get out of one another's hair, or finish some work assignment they'd been given an hour previously. This series of excuses made for the most productive week Mina had had in a while, actually keeping her up to date with assessments and theory. She'd never taken such a keen interest in Maths and Ethics in her entire life.

To say that they had a bad relationship because of the kiss would be inaccurate. In truth, neither of them had ever felt as close to another person in their entire lives. Mina had basically all but confessed her feelings to Izuku with that pack in the cheek, whereas Izuku had been wrestling his emotions for the past week, and was still trying to conclude on what he felt. Their issue was their lack of knowledge, of understanding as to what they were supposed to do in this sort of situation they found themselves in, in which they were more than friends, but less than lovers.

It didn't go unnoticed by their classmates. Not at all. Anyone with a working brain was able to identify that something was going on, even if they weren't totally sure. It wound up quickly becoming one of the topics bored groups would bring up to add a spark to their dwindling conversations.

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