♛Chptr. 46: Because Silence means Yes♛

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"Um... Jiminie?... You might want to come here for a second." Jin cleared his throat and he started blinking, still opening the door for the young man.

Even though Jimin doesn't want to stand up from his chair, he's just not in the mood to argue with Jin so he walked like a zombie towards the door. And when he looked up, his eyes widened in shock, almost as if-if he opened his eyes a little bit more it would come out of its socket.

There stands Jungkook by the door who was smiling with his bunny teeth on display and looking so damn hot with his red jacket on top of a white shirt that has a print on it. He also had his black tight pants and a pair of black boots holding a small bouquet of white flowers.

(A/N: Our Jungkookie's Outfit)

"Hey baby," Jungkook called out in such a sweet tone of voice making Jin choke in his own saliva and to cause Jimin to have such a very red taint of color in his cheeks

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hey baby," Jungkook called out in such a sweet tone of voice making Jin choke in his own saliva and to cause Jimin to have such a very red taint of color in his cheeks.

Jin then decided to walk away out of the scene since he wasn't even the one who was being called by that nickname yet he was starting to blush just by hearing it from Jungkook. He even muttered a 'what the fuck was that?' before he completely disappeared going his way towards the kitchen.

Now that Jin already runs somewhere, Jungkook walked closer to the blushing Jimin who was looking away, embarrassed so suddenly. He knew that Jungkook was staring at him and it wasn't helping! He wanted to scream just to get away the heavy fluttering feeling in his whole body.

Jungkook smiled and he reached Jimin's chin so the smaller would look his way. Now that they met each other's gazes, Jimin's cheeks became a hot mess. He shut his eyes because he really can't look at Jungkook in the eye. He was even clenching his hands which weren't missed by Jungkook's hawk eyes.

Jungkook leaned even closer, bringing his lips towards Jimin's cheeks placing a quick kiss. It was a quick peck but it made Jimin's legs feel weak. 

"You are too tensed baby, am I making you uncomfortable?" Jungkook whispered before he leaned away, tucking Jimin's disoriented bed hair and placing it on the side of the smaller's ear. 

"S-Stop that J-Jungkook... and since... w-when did I become your b-baby?" Every word Jimin said was in a stutter making Jungkook smile even more, Jimin can't even look at him in the eye. He found it cute and adorable even.

"I thought I already asked you yesterday? You didn't say anything so... I thought we're on the same boat. Also," Jungkook halted making Jimin finally look at him. "... I don't take no as an answer Jimin-ssi." He smirked as he handed the bouquet to Jimin. 

Jimin took a moment before he reached for the flowers. 

D-Does this mean... that we're really boyfriends now? Like for real?

"I know what you're thinking and yes... we're really boyfriends so don't even doubt it." 

"So, what? Are you a mind reader now too?" Jungkook chuckled at the question. He soon shrugged with his cocky aura.

♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin