Still complaining, I followed him out his apartment.

"You know you smack me on the chest like all the time. So stop complaining." He says as he press the elevator button.

"I have nail biting phobia okay!" I replied and he look at me with a disbelief look. "I really do!" I say, trying to convince him.

"And I gave chest hitting phobia." He replied and I scoff out a laugh.

"Your mocking me!" I whined and he laughs, the elevator door opening.

"Stop talking!" He laughs, pulling me in the elevator with him.

"No, you're really mocking me." I point at him and he slowly grins, looking straight as if trying to ignore me.

"I do think that nailphobia is ridiculous."

"Ridiculous?! Your so not updated with-

A hand in between the shutting elevator, made me stop talking as me and Kai look at the elevator door.

"Excuse me." A deep voice says, pulling open the elevator.

My mouth formed O from awe as I watch the person from behind the elevator door unfold.

The elevator door open wider for the guy, and the guy picked up his bag on the ground before walking in the elevator.

"Annyeonghaesayo." He bows at us but I just stare at him starstruck while Kai bowed and moved.

Hes voice was deeper than his appearance, oddly he had a innocent shy look while his voice sounded deeper. And Have you ever just seen someone who could actually really just be a famous celeb. That was how appealing the guy who entered the elevator was.

Kai grabbing my shirt to pull me back snapped me out my frozen state.

"Ne.. A-Annyeonghaesayo." I mutter, bowing back before moving back to give the guy more space.

"Ah- are you going to the ground floor?" I ask and he turns around and nod. Seeing how he also going to the ground floor, I immediately reach for the button for the ground floor. It seemed he also reached for it as both our fingers touched the button.

"Oh-sorry!" He immediately move His hand back, like he had touched fire.

"No it's fine." I wave him off and went back to stand beside Kai.

We stood in the elevator in silence until it finally opened.

" bye." The guy turned to bow at us before walking out of the elevator.

"Bye." Me and Kai both bowed back and walked out of the elevator as well following him.

Watching the guy back as we followed from behind, I turn to Kai and motion to my face.

"Daebak.. He could seriously be a celeb right? Wa... Hes really a looker." I say exaggerating a bit of course.

"What the heck." Kai laughs.

"What?" I ask him.

"Why would you be telling me that when I'm obviously more handsome." He says and I raise my eyebrows at him.

After HimWhere stories live. Discover now