Chapter 30

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I just want to give a huge THANK YOU<3<3<3<3<3 to everyone who has read this story. Neverland hit 10,000 reads this week!!! I love, love, LOVE every single one of you! I also love feedback. :D

Also-my friend Rachael (Raelynnlo)  just joined Wattpad-she's pretty darn good! Take a peek at the Epilouge for her story.

Thanks again guys! And sorry for such a long author's note haha

one more thing: the song on the side is TOTALLY relevant and COMPLETELY neccessary.


“She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.”

Dusk was growing near as Tiger Lily rushed to the center of the small village to join the rest of her small tribe. It had taken her hours to calm the Boys down. She told them not to worry about the safety of Molly. She convinced them that they would not hurt her, even though she knew that that was a lie.

Her father, the Chief, used an old stump as a platform and addressed the crowd. Behind him, a bonfire raged and there was a faint beat of drums.

“The girl, Molly, is still alive,” he said in his native tongue.

Gasps and worried words emerged from the crowd.

“We have all been witness to the recent outbreaks from the Rebels. They have threatened to go to war with us.”

War cries came from a few of the men.

“We all know what this means,” he continued, “Great war shall soon be upon us unless we get rid of the girl.”

“We must kill her!” A man in the crowd shouted. Many others chimed in, agreeing with him.

“Calm down!” the chief demanded, and it was suddenly quiet, “It is not that easy. She is still in the custody of the pirates.”

“Why can’t we just let the pirates kill her?” Another man shouted causing the crowd to erupt.

“Quiet! I said be quiet!” The Chief yelled over the crowd. Once it was quiet again he said, “The pirates would never kill her. They want Peter to come and rescue her, and once he does, then we can move in and kill the girl.”

Woops, cheers, and hollers came from the people of the Indian tribe. They all thought that what they were doing was right; they were taking down the source of their problems. They didn’t know that it wasn’t Molly’s fault that war was coming. They didn’t realize that she was simply the messenger, not the attacker.

Tiger Lily knew this though; she realized it a long time ago. She also saw the way that Peter looked at Molly. He looked at her the way that she wished he would look at her. If she really loved Peter, she would try her hardest to spare Molly’s life. She had seen with her own eyes how devastated Peter was when he thought that Molly was dead. He blamed himself for it all and you could see the guilt that he held inside of him with every move that he made. She wouldn’t let him feel that way ever again.

The crowd finally dispersed back to their own teepees and Tiger Lily followed her father into theirs.

“Father,” she said, dreading what she was about to say.

“Yes, my daughter?”

“Molly…she isn’t-we can’t-I won’t let you kill her.”

“Tiger Lily! Do you want the entire village to burn because of this girl? We must stop her!”

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