CHAPTER 65 -Phantom Troupe-

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As I roused from a heavy slumber, I am first aware of the coolness of the air and its loamy fragrance. The ground is lumpy as if I were on a bed of earth and rocks. My clothes feel as damp as a flower in the dew of the dawn. I half wondered if I'm still dreaming as I sat on the ground while clutching my agonizing head.

"How are you feeling?"

"Ugh... terrible. I feel like my brain just make a crazy trip to Azia while my body's still stuck in Yorbia. How is that even possible?" That's when everything started to kick in.

"Wait a minute..."

Now I'm awake, perhaps more fully awake than I've ever been, I've realized where I was. Looking around to find Gon and Killua being chained down, drilled holes in my brain. It's worse though than it first appeared, I'm at their hideout... The Phantom Troupe's hideout?! Again?!

This bizarre nightmare was mine alone.

"Why am I here?! What are they doing here?! What the hell just happened?!-- Scratch that! What the hell is going on?!" I exclaimed as my eyes roamed every corner of their base.

"You mean, you don't remember?" Shalnark asked.

"Remember? Remember what--"

Suddenly, everything seemed to come back to me, from the moment I went to Chrollo declaring that I wanted to join the Troupe to the moment he told me who he was.

I couldn't come up with any words, the only thing that was on my mind was;

"Oh, shit."

"You got that right. We're in the middle of a shitty situation because of that Chain user friend of yours." Phinks crossed his arms as he walked towards me.

I could've been thinking about something else like escaping with Gon and Killua and whatnot but the only thing that I could think of at the moment was about Chrollo's whereabouts.

"Chrollo... Danchou-- the boss, where is he?" I looked at him with panic visible in my eyes.

"Relax, Paku is dealing with the Chain user to get Danchou back," Shalnark assured as he began telling me what had occurred while I was out; The whole ordeal about the hostage exchange and Pakunoda was chosen to be the one to negotiate with Kurapika. That thought alone made my eyes grew wider.

"She what?!"

Before Shalnark could even say anything, I strode towards the exit ignoring any words coming my way.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?" Phinks yelled.

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm going after her." My eyes dead set at the front door.

"Don't be stupid. As if we're not gonna let your impulsive action ruin our chances to get Danchou back." He retaliated.

While I was a few steps away from the door, Feitan blocked my view with his icy cold glare digging into my very own soul.

"If you as so much take another step, I won't hesitate to break your leg." He threatened.

That does it!

"And you don't think I want him back as much as you do?! I am trying to increase the chances of getting your beloved 'Spider Head Boss' back! So, don't try to interfere!"

"Interfere? Who's the one interfering with our plans?" Phinks growled.

"Listen here girl, we know about who you are, Miss little sister. But don't think that fact will let us give you a special treatment to do as you please." He continued as his stone cold eyes still trained at me.

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