CHAPTER 55 -Phantom Troupe-

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Even though my eyes were shut close, I can still feel my surroundings. From the warmth of the muscular man who carried me to the sounds of beeping coming from the machines, and... what the-- there's a distinctive smell of iodoform that reminds me of the hospital. Oh god, I hate hospitals!

However, my senses were diverted to the sound of the creaking made from an iron cell door.


'This is it.'

Sure, I was confident at first. But when you were put in the exact situation going on in your mind, you will feel that confidence slowly seeping away.

'Maybe I should've listened to Killua? No, no, no. It's too late for that.'

As the arguments were proceeding in my head, I could feel the coldness from the iron floor through my clothes. I'm being laid on the ground that's for sure.

My body laid helplessly on the ground. At least that's what they thought.

Slowly, I could hear footsteps gaining closely to my 'sleeping figure'. Based on the scent that my nose caught, he's the doctor from before. Dr. Finn, I supposed that was his name when I took a glanced at him earlier.

He crouched beside me. Even when my eyes are closed, I can tell that he had a smug look on his face.

"Well, well, whaddya know? To think there's a kid Saiyan somewhere out there. It will definitely please the professor."

I swear if I'm not acting like I'm dead, I'm gonna smack that grin off his face! How dare he called me a kid!

Suddenly I felt something cold wrapped around my wrist. A handcuff perhaps? But it felt like bigger and wider than the usual handcuffs.

"We're just gonna put this on you. Just in case you're trying anything funny like escaping." He chuckled as the last click was heard.

'Damn it. This damn handcuffs better not be some advanced technology that prevents me from using Nen.'

Suddenly, chills crept on my back as I could feel his fingers tracing my face. The hell? Is he a creep?!

"Hmm... You look somewhat familiar. But that's impossible for him to have a child."

The words he said made my ears perked up. What he's saying?


"That's it! You are his kid. To think that he had a child... Wow, what are the odds? The Zoldycks really outdid themselves for the second time." Dr. Finn laughed hysterically.

Is he talking about papa? Then, the one that killed papa--?!

"Oh, the professor will surely be delighted when he heard about this--"

Just when he was about to finish his sentence, someone knocked the cell door.

Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?"

"You got a call from the professor." A monotone voice said from outside the cell.

The doctor stood delightfully and went out of the cell.

"It's about time to report about this..." Adjusting his lab coat, he walked away with a snicker on his face but not before ordering the guards to lock the door fearing that their precious test subject will get away.

'Great, just when I was about to find out what exactly happened to my parents four years ago.' I cursed in my mind.

Minutes had already passed. I noticed something odd. The door, it wasn't close yet. Whatsmore, I felt a different presence gaining closer.

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