CHAPTER 58 -Phantom Troupe-

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I did it! I managed to escape!

The wind gushed through my face, blowing my waist-length hair behind.

Even though I had been flying for quite some time now, this is the first time for me to speed up like this. My flaring aura left a trail that looked like those white streaks planes left behind.

Although it's kinda uncomfortable to fly with your arm still cuffed together, I had to move on.

The fact that the Phantom Troupe might kill my parents really bothers me but I need to get my ducks in a row. What's important right now, is for me to regroup with Gon and Killua before the 24-hour time limit is over. If not, I would probably share the same fate as my parents.

Just thinking about Killua's words sent chills down my spine that I know had nothing to do with the breeze brushing my floating body.

'Will he stay true to his word?' I wondered.

But the real question was... do I know which direction to take?

I don't even know where I had escaped from!


Third person POV

The black-haired girl accelerated through the darkening sky oblivious to the eyes that had been detecting the wavelength that her aura is giving out.

Pairs of crimson eyes glowed in the dark as they focused on the flying girl that passed through.


Rin kept on observing the city below her, trying to remember the places that might have been familiar when suddenly a blast hit her from the side, propelling her to the ground like a meteor falling to the earth.


Rin crashed to the ground from a hundred miles from the sky leaving the ground caving in countless rubbles and smoke of dust.

Rin winced in pain as she tried to get up from the ground but the bleeding wound prevented her from doing so.

"W-what the-- What the hell was that?" She tried to look around with strands of her hair covering her bruised face.

Her onyx eyes traced her surrounding that was covered by piles of dust clouds until it widened.


In amidst of the disappearing smoke screen, Rin could see that she was surrounded by what she had not expected.

They were people-- No, they just looked like humans but clearly, they're not. The metallic skin that reflected the moonlight and the piercing red eyes that held no emotion what-so-ever was enough to prove they're not human.

It's just like a nightmare coming to life and that caused blood to drain down from her face.

'I-I'ts an android...?'

Rin thought and her head jolted to the side as she heard another sound coming from her side.

'And it's not only one.'

Rin furrowed her eyebrows clenching her fist only to realize that her wrists are still cuffed.

'Damn it!'

Her attention was cut off as the of the metal-like human spoke.


"...!" Rin eyes widened as all of the androids surrounding her aimed their right hand towards her.

"Shit." Rin cursed underneath her breath as multiple blasts coming from the palm of their hands were advancing towards her.

See You ✮ 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝑿𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz