CHAPTER 6 -Hunter Exam-

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After a couple of hours of flight, we found ourselves in a small room at the back of a run-down restaurant located exactly in the middle of two modern skyscrapers. Just the thought of such a place was at the center of a city still brought questions to my mind. I mean, come on, look at how it stood out from the other buildings!

Nonetheless, the room didn't appear to be in such wreck as the front exterior. You knew the sayings; don't judge a book by its cover.

Perhaps you could say that it looked pretty cozy for a small room. There wasn't any furniture in place but at the center of the room, you could see a big round table with four chairs.

"I can't wait for the steak combo!" Gon exclaimed.

"Yeah me too! I'm practically starving, I need ten plates of meat! Scratch that-I'll eat every meat they have to offer!" I plopped on a seat.

"You're kidding me right, you're supposed to be a girl, shouldn't you have a healthier diet?" Leorio questioned.

"Well, I'm not an ordinary girl that's for sure."

"That was just the password to get us inside," Kurapika said.

"Oh, so we didn't get to eat?" Gon tilted his head in confusion.

"What? Way to go getting my hopes up. And here I am hungry..." I pouted feeling the slight rumbling of my stomach.

Just then, the room rumbled and we could feel ourselves descending slowly.

"It appears this room is an elevator," Kurapika stated.

While waiting for the room to stop moving, Kurapika and Leorio began to discuss the matter regarding the Hunter Exam. Kurapika held firm of his noble thoughts on Hunters while Leorio-- Well, you know him. Money was the only thing left in his mind.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Here we go again.

They started to argue about this and that defending each belief as if it was their own religion or whatnot and here I am starting to feel tired about it. Is this how they felt when I'm arguing with Mr. Loudmouth? Now I'm feeling embarrassed.


I knocked my head on the table.

"Rin, are you okay?" Gon stared at me questioningly.

"I can't understand what they're talking about," I sighed as I laid my forehead against the table and turned to face Gon who was smiling at me.

"Me too!" He replied.

He's weird. How can one person be so cheerful every time? I'm curious about you Gon. It's as if I want to know a whole lot more about you.

This feeling I'm feeling, it's warm and comforting. I felt like I don't want to lose this feeling any second now. But as if luck wasn't on my side, Leorio started to drag Gon in their argument breaking my earlier mood. Even though I'm pissed, I just stood there watching them.

Kurapika and Leorio glared at each other when they suddenly jerked their heads to face us.

"Gon! Rin! What do you think about? What kind of Hunter do you want to become?!"

"If I answer, will you two stop talking? Then, yes, I'll give you my damn answer..." I paused for a moment trying to think about why I wanted to become a Hunter in the first place.

"... I haven't actually thought about it yet, but I'll just be a Hunter who can find something with ease, that way it'll make my job easier," I said bluntly.

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