CHAPTER 64 -Phantom Troupe-

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Third person POV

The more anxious he became the less pronounced became his intellectualization of the whole process. Kurapika tried to rationalize and viewed the situation he saw from different viewpoints. However, nothing could cross his brilliant mind.

"Why..." His eyes never left the spot where Rin had left with the leader of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo.

"Why would Rin join the Spiders?!" Kurapika had finally lost it. He clenched his knuckles until they turned white. His teeth chattered trying to contain the indescribable emotion he's feeling.

"Kurapika! You know Rin would never do something like that! She's not the type of person that would betray her own friends." Gon assured.

"I understand!"

"No, you don't understand!" Gon suddenly lashed out startling the life out of the blonde boy.

"Your reckless pursuit exposed yourself to needless danger. Can't you see Rin is trying to cover that up by acting as a decoy instead of me? Don't you even realized why she did that?" Gon looked straight into Kurapika's eyes as he said the next words carefully.

"If you're caught here, no one would be able to stop the Troupe."


The icy grey sky restlessly grumbled. The rain poured down over the city with a roar. The sound of emptiness was disrupted by the loud gregarious boom of thunder.

The cold icy rain pierced her pale and wet skin. The cold never bothered her as her attention was fixated to the man speaking in front of her.

Just as the words rolled down his tongue, Rin's eyes slowly widened. The quality of darkness shifted in the sky and Rin felt as if the darkness in her mind shifted along with it.

Chrollo's last words were like the harsh rain obliterating the crystal reflection of the sky-- which would likely be her fragile heart.

Rin couldn't help but compare the night with her own state of mind. Just like those clouds, her insides were in chaos. A mess. Something was bothering her. Something was hurting her. Something ached inside her. Something felt so wrong but so right at the same time.

Rin tried to pinpoint the cause for this unexplained pain but failed. She tried to reason this unbearable burning but didn't find any. Everything felt so confusing, just like a jumbled set of a puzzle.

Before Rin's trembled lips could say anything, metallic chains wrapped around Chrollo and everything turned upside down. Before she could realize what happened, he's gone... Chrollo was gone.

Her brother was gone.


-11 years ago-

-11 years ago-

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