♛Chptr. 18: Rage all over you♛

Start from the beginning

The latter keeps on bouncing on the couch they were sitting on whilst Jimin was writing so his pen keeps on shaking too.

"Would you please. just please stop bouncing for one sec?" Jimin snapped at him and Taehyung suddenly stopped bouncing as he coughed nervously and then continued playing with his phone again. He had nothing to do for today so he stayed with Jimin but he is sensing that the latter was just not in the mood.

Someone knocked on the door so Taehyung decided to open it and called out for Jimin. 

"Jimin-ssi, someone from the journalism club said that someone's calling for you there." Jimin heard it but did not pay attention sensing that the someone who's calling for him would be the kid who's way worse than Taehyung. It could be Jungkook for all he knows.

"Please tell the deliverer of the message that I'm not going since I'm busy." And tell him to fuck off too. Jimin wants to add but didn't.

"Okay...um, you heard him. Please tell to that...who was it again? Yoongi? " Jimin shot his head up to look at Taehyung who was speaking at a student over the door. Was he hearing things right? 

When Taehyung came back to sit on the couch Jimin decided to ask him. "I thought I heard the name Yoongi? What's with him?" Taehyung gave him a skeptical look.

"He's the one calling out for you." Jimin's blood almost drained out of him before he could finally process things. It was Yoongi who was calling for him!

He almost tripped just to get his coat from the rack on the corner before he headed towards the door only to get back again and look at Taehyung who's looking at him amused by his speed. 

"Where does he want to meet me again?" It was the first time Taehyung had seen Jimin smile like this and his heart weirdly caused a pound.

"I-In their club room." Taehyung told with a stutter. 

He's cute...Taehyung mumbled on his own.

"Thank you!" Jimin headed out the door with a wide smile on his face ignoring the fact that he might be scolded for running in the hallways which are against the school rules. He just doesn't care at the moment. His Yoongi is waiting for him after all.

Why does he need me? Does he need my help? About what exactly? Wait, calm your shit down Park Jimin you are way too excited!

Jimin almost passed the Journalism's club room but he came back fast grinning happily against the front door. He gulped and felt his heart beating fast. He was about to go inside when he heard voices from the inside.

"Yoongi-hyung~ why wouldn't you tell me who you like? We've been friends for years and that's being unfair!" Jimin heard Jungkook whine over the slightly opened door.

"Jungkook how many times have I told you?... I don't have someone I like at the moment." Jimin was happy...and sad in a matter of seconds. His heart clenched on its own like it sorted out what Yoongi just said.

I don't have someone I like at the moment. And that means the same applies to Jimin too. 

"But what about...Jimin-hyung? I mean, you two became close right?" When Jungkook asked, Jimin was so worried he's forgetting to breathe.

"Jimin is attractive, charming even, I like his voice and smile too. He's beautiful I could say..." Jimin doesn't know what to feel, he's blinking profusely. 

What does he mean by...that?

"So do you...like him?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook and he chuckled at the weird question when he realized what Jungkook meant. 

"Jungkookie you're really funny! Jimin is cute as hell but I don't think of him more than a friend. He's a little brother for me." Yoongi told sincerely not knowing that there was a broken heart he was crushing even more behind that slightly closed door. 

Jimin on the other side felt betrayed. He felt stupid for having expectations and high hopes. But he sort of felt like his whole world shut off too. He can't accept what he just heard. He wanted to be deaf for one second or have a short term memory loss so he could forget everything he heard. But he can't have Yoongi...so maybe he can't have that ability either. He felt pathetic. Yoongi is too good for him of course so why would he like him back? That was what Jimin was thinking.

The door suddenly opened revealing Jungkook. He looked at Jimin quizzically and when he saw him sobbing he closed the door behind him.

"Stop crying, idiot...I told you didn't I? Yoongi doesn't feel that way towards you." Jimin didn't know that he's been crying not after Jungkook's thumb landed on his cheek to wipe his tears off. 

But instead of feeling care over Jungkook's touch he looked at him with such disgust. He was sure that Jungkook has something to do with this. He planned this to slap on his face that he had no chance in Yoongi's life.

This is Jungkook's fault. Everything was his fault!

Jimin did not think twice and he slapped Jungkook hard. It echoed in the whole hallway and to Jimin's luck no one was around because if there are students wandering around, Jimin might be dead the next day for hurting the school's beloved prince.

Jungkook touched his cheek with bewilderment and he looked at Jimin who was clenching his fists. The smaller wiped away his own tears not giving a shit about Jungkook's bullshit anymore.

"I know that you called me here to rub it in my face how pathetic I am for even thinking about Yoongi liking me back. So congratulations!...You won." Jimin told with gritted teeth. 

The door behind Jungkook was opened by Yoongi who saw Jimin. He smiled before he moved forward only to ruffle Jimin's fluffy blue hair. 

"I thought you wouldn't come? I've called you here earlier but the new kid said you wouldn't because you're busy." Yoongi said, his hands dug in his pants.

Jimin was unable to think. Is Yoongi really the one who called for me? But why would Jungkook...

Jimin looked at Jungkook who was obviously not in the mood now. Who would be if someone would suddenly slap you for no reason.

"And this is what I get from helping." Jungkook muttered before he walked away.     


Yeeeey!! Our Hobi Hobi finally entered our story~ What would his character be like and what changes could he possibly bring? 

From here onwards I think every chapter would be written in a 3rd person's POV. And it'll be longer too~ Also, I'll do a double update on Friday! 

Next Chapter Title: "Chptr. 19: Intentions"

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