Laser [Tata ~ Tae]

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"W-Why are you holding that?"

Taehyung was about to brush his teeth, but then he was met with Tata, a gun in its hand.

It didn't really look like those normal guns. It was colourful, shaped like a toy laser gun, and it was glowing.

Tata waved its hand over, a signal for Tae to join him in whatever he was about to do. Tae walked up to Tata who was by the window, and watched the alien stretch his arm out of the window and down to the rose bed beneath it, only to pull back up a rock. Tae was confused, but kept quiet with wide curious eyes as Tata placed the rock on the other end of the window sill, while he and Taehyung on the other. The little alien then aimed the gun at the rock, pulled the trigger and a laser beam shot out, scaring the man in the process.

In a split second, Tae watched the dirty, grey rock, turn into a beautiful, delicious burger.

He blinked once. Twice. And kept blinking just hoping he was seeing things right. Tata got the burger, expertly tore it in half and gave the other piece to the man. Tae took it slowly, eyeing the food warily as he still couldn't believe his eyes. He saw Tata chew on the food in two bites, then smile up at him. Tae looked back at the burger, back at Tata, then back at the burger, and took a small bite.

It was delicious.

"Holy shit..."

Half an hour later, Jimin popped in to wish goodnight, but was met with Taehyung and Tata on the floor sleeping, random objects piled on one side and empty food packets and drinks on the other. 


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