Dolls [Chimmy ~ Jiminie]

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Chimmy was seated in the baby seat of the trolley. It had its legs through the gap; his little hands holding his feet as he swung them side to side.

It looked around, scanning all the plush toys with curious sparkly eyes, panting slightly as he wiggled in excitement.

He saw lions, giraffes, elephants, cats, birds, even dogs like him!

He yipped, looking up at Jimin as he stretched his hands out.

"Hm? You wanna closer look?"

He yipped excitedly, waving his arms till Jimin got him off the baby seat.

Jimin let him explore the shelves, while he took a small trip to a nearby cart filled with plastic toys. Perfect for bath!

He took about five different toy sets, then the little creatures can choose whichever toy they would like to play with. The trolley was already filled with a few stuffies chosen by the both singers, so buying some bath toys pretty much sums up their part.

He turned, ready to place the packets into the trolley, then froze.

What used to be eight stuffies – one for Namjoon to complete his Ryan collection – was now piled up with various kinds.

The packets from his grasp slipped off, and he quickly ran towards the trolley to look for Chimmy. He pushed his hands in, scooping through the piles of dolls, carelessly flinging them everywhere as he tried to find the dog.

He reached the bottom. And there was no sign of the puppy.



He looked up. And there the dog was, on the highest shelf, standing next to a huge teddy bear.

"No- don't you dare..."

They held a mini staring contest.

"I know what you're thinking... and it's a no- CHIM-"

Chimmy pushed. And it dropped. On him.

Jimin felt the weight of the plush toy which fell from the height crush him. He quickly got him composure and flipped the bear over.

"Chimmy!" he scolds, kicking the bear to the side, "Get down here this instant! Or I'll tell Jin-hyung and send you back to the car!"

At the mention of the elder's name, Chimmy pouted; he really liked the store – it was huge, lots of choices, so many kinds of things, and has huge to tiny soft, cuddly plushies...

To go back into the car alone is not cool.

So he pouted harder and whined pitifully.

"Yea so, if you're not coming down to clean this up, then I'm not gonna bring you back here."

The puppy sulked and climbed down. Once on a shelf near Jimin, he held his arms out.

Jimin cooed and carried him. They held each other for a while, Jimin patting its back as he knew the puppy needed consoles.

He soon placed the puppy down, and it immediately dashed off to collect the dolls. Whatever Jimin and Jungkook chose before were back into the trolley, and the others were given to Jimin to be placed back into the shelf.

Chimmy ran off to get the bear when Jungkook appeared with a blushing bunny.

Pushing of the shelf was easy. Very easy.

But trying to have it sit up, to pull or to even push, was such hard work. He could feel himself sweating under the hoodie, even in the air-conditioned store.

He huffed, and he puffed, and he pulled with all his might. But in the end, his hand slipped of the doll's paws, and he flew across the floor.

With angry tears, he whined and ran towards his companion, immediately burying his face into the soft cloth of the sweatpants.

Jimin was startled when he felt a sudden weight hit against his leg upon looking down, he heard a long sad whine coming from the puppy, them it looked up with the most biggest, teary puppy eyes he has ever seen in the past few days.

"Aww Chims..." he crouched down, the puppy letting go of his leg to jump into his arms with a sad whine, "What happened?"

"Chi- Chimmy chiiimy chimmy chiiiimy ch-"

"Okay okay... I understand I understand..." Which is strange but...

"Let's go, c'mon."

He let Chimmy guide him to the abandoned doll nearby. He got the bear, and dragged it back to the shelf.

Its too high how am I gonna put the doll back?!


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