Flying Off [Koya ~ Joonie]

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As the others chase around for their companions, Namjoon lost his.

He ran around with them, hoping to find the koala which had managed to escape. He was just by his leg a while ago, playing with Chimmy and RJ, until Seokjin announced about baths and carried RJ away.

He checked under the sofas, the tables, in the kitchen and was about to go into the rooms, when he was almost slapped in the face by a flying Shooky. He staggered backwards till he hit the back of a sofa, falling over with a scream.

He blinked, trying to regain his composure and focus, until he saw something on the fan.

Koya was laying on it belly on one of the blades, arms and legs hanging off the side as it dozed. He quickly scrambled up as he wondered how he was going to get that creature from there, when he saw Cooky.

The bunny jumped from a shelf, held onto the fan and swung with the force and landed gracefully onto the shelf.

Seeing that, Namjoon panicked as he stretched his arms out, running after the koala which was spinning to the other side. He almost tripped on the maknae, but managed to regain back his composure, eyes still trained on the sleeping Koya.

The fan slowed down to a stop, and Namjoon, taking the opportunity, hurriedly jumped onto the nearest furniture which was the sofa, and used his clumsy long limbs to reach the koala. It took a few tries, him readjusting the position of the sofa now and then to easily reach the koala till he managed to slide it off the blade, and into his arms.

He jumped down carefully from the armrest, thanking god that he didn't slip or lose his balance. Ignoring the others, he quietly went to his room. Koya was still asleep in his arms, and he wondered if it would be a good idea to bathe it while it was snoozing deeply.

He stood there, pondering until he got an idea. He quickly prepared the thing needed.

He got himself on the edge of the tub by the wall, and stretched his legs out in the tub. He placed the sleeping koala on his legs, knees resting the head. He reached for the shower nozzle and turned on the water, making sure it was warm before spraying it across the back of the creature, occasionally lifting to the side to wash the front. He grabbed the loofah and soap and began scrubbing it body softly, minding its eyes, nose and mouth. He tried doing everything quietly and as subtle as possible, as the koala kept yawning and wiggling.

He continued his work, wondering whether it was a good idea to use human soap for animals. Maybe they should but some just for pets. And maybe a few toys for them to play.

A few minutes later, the soap has been washed off and Koya was wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket. Namjoon carefully slipped out of the tub, just hoping that he would not break anything, including himself and Koya, as he got out to his room to dry the sleeping koala even more. He gently ran the towel across its body, up its head, through the ears, and the face till he deemed it dry. Meanwhile, Koya was already blowing out a bubble, and once Namjoon was done on it face, he sneezed, waking up in shock and the bubble popping.

The man was taken aback at the sudden sneeze, then laughing at the koala's face.

"Hey there. I just took you a bath. Want me to blow dry you?"

Koya turned to him with a sleepy smile and nod, crawling into the man's embrace to be carried.

Joon walked back into his bathroom, sitting Koya on the sink to face the mirror, and pulled out the blow dryer. Koya squeaked and fell back in surprise at the huge thing, both ears falling off.

The man panicked for a moment, before realising that Koya has never seen a blow drier.

"Don't worry. This is gonna dry your fur," he said, picking the ears back up and fixed it onto the koala.

He switched on the machine; the sound making the latter jolt a bit, before calming down at the warm air that breezed through its fur. Koya smiled into the mirror; Namjoon smiling back.

They spent a few more minutes in there, the man occasionally picking up the fallen ears when they kept flying off of the head.


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