Koya ~ Joonie

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Namjoon watched everyone being happy, as they cradled and play with each other when he felt like something...or some creature missing. He looked around a bit and found Koya by RJ and the Tae-Tata duo, its lips mumbling something as its head bobbed, trying to fight his sleep.

He crouched closer to it. "Koya koya......koya...."

He smiled at the koala. It was so cute and he giggled a bit, alerting the koala till its eyes went wide, and his ear fell off before falling backwards.

Namjoon chuckled at the cute bear, then picked up its ears to put it back on its head after watching the cloud thing doing it a while ago. Once it was fixed, he felt his wrist burn and he pulled away, already noticing the blue koala head on it.

He stared at it in awe. Koya must be for him. He felt something crawl up his crossed legs and upon looking down, he saw Koya smiling with its eyes closed, as it climbed and settled itself in the crook of his thigh and shin, dozing off into a deep slumber with cute little snores. He smiled softly and patted its head affectionately, lulling it to sleep.


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