Honey, I Shrunk the Kids [Pt. 3]

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Monday rolled by pretty quickly. And thanks to the discussion, the men had prepared all necessities for the creatures.

Namjoon helped the creatures into the padded container prepared by Hoseok, then proceeded to carry them.

The creatures, who were packed together excitedly, let out gasps of excitement as they were lifted up and moved around the house for a bit as the man carrying them picked up some things.

"Oh- you guys enjoying?"

The litt- tiny ones cheered at that as they looked through the transparent box that was holding them. Tata made sure to check if Van was following them, but found him nowhere.

"Tata tata?"

"Oh, he is-"

"Helloooooo!! Oh- I see you guys in there! You guys ready?" Hoseok asked as he peered over them.

"Chimmy chim?"

"Ah, Van. Jinnie-hyung has him in our- oh- he is in our van-" and with that, he giggled at the irony.

"Alright. Everything's prepared. Yoongi, did you order the food?"

"Yep. And dinner."

"Cool. Now, hop in guys. Namjoon-"

Said man turned around with the container.

"Please tell me you've got everything...?"

The leader stood there, his mind running a hundred miles a minute as he went through his mental checklist and their positions.

"Yes I did, hyung. Don't worry."

Seokjin just squinted, but said nothing more as he climbed into the passenger seat.

"You gotta trust me I actually did!"

"Yes yes... now get in," Yoongi said as he hopped into the back.

"Cooky cooky coo?"

Can Cooky sit wif Koo?

Jungkook froze from his place at the driver's seat.

"Um... it's... kind of... dange..."

The droopy ears and big pleading eyes were on full display and Jungkook couldn't help but sla- rest his forehead on the steering wheel. Jin just snorted, patting him on the back. The younger sighed, turning around a bit to reach his hand out for the bunny to hop on.

The bunny hopped. Followed by the puppy. Then followed by an excited alpaca. Then followed by-

All of the creatures just scrambled up his arm, making the man shriek a bit and jerk. It felt like bugs-

Thank god they had strong grips. He let them crawl up his arm, some crawling up to his shoulders, while some decided to stick to his forearm. When his hand landed back on the steering wheel, they jumped off onto the dashboard, getting themselves first-class seats and view of the road.

The singer could do nothing but smile, as the elder next to him told them to hold tight so they don't fall.

Jungkook felt Koya snuggle into is neck, and he bit his lip at the slight ticklish feeling, before checking around the corner.

The tiny ones were having a blast from their positions.

Cooky, Chimmy and Shooky were holding on to each other as they relaxed against the dashboard, marvelling at the suddenly huge sky, clouds, birds, and whatever buildings that passed by. Mang was cozied up by the meters, body rocking a bit as she went on with her slumber. Her size made it difficult for her and was getting car sick. Tata was with Jin as he fiddled with the radio, finally letting Tokyo Drift play. Koya and RJ were snuggled in Jungkook's neck, and Jin had to refrain himself from laughing because of how stiff the other was sitting to prevent waking them up.

Van was conveniently sitting at the very back in the trunk area, back turned against them as he watched the sight - excitedly glowing slightly green - through the back window.

Jimin and Hoseok were focussed on their phones, smiling at something. Yoongi was looking confusedly at his, then at Tae who was sitting in front of him. And Namjoon-

"I left my earphones-"


The creatures were back into their container, looking at everything excitedly as they seemed much more huge.

The people who passed by greeted the members, then began shrieking and squealing over the tiny ones. They even got to give Van hugs and pats and he accepted them, though he was hesitant at first. With an encouraging hand on his head from Jimin, he waddled along with them to the top floors.


The members were gathered in a room as they waited for-

The door burst open, Bang PD stomping in.

"I heard something happened to the..." he noticed Van on the side, just looking, "um... 's that..."

"That's Van. He's usually either outside or the rooftop," Taehyung supplied helpfully.

"Uh huh..." he nodded at the robot, the robot nodding back before he turned and noticed the container. "And what's that?"

"Ah- well... something happened-"


Said man blushed, and Yoongi answered a 'yes' without missing a beat. He went on with the summarised story and Bang PD could only sigh. He went over, bending a bit to crouch over them so he could get a better look. The tiny creatures looked back up at him with big eyes and excited smiles.

"Aww... they look so tiny..."

I do not cry Bang Sihyuk don't you dare cry-

The others nodded in agreement, before getting up so that all of them could follow him to another room.

The creatures usually come into this room with their respective companions, during vocal training or song recordings. And they were quite excited when Van got to join them in this experience.


It didn't show much on the robot's face, but for some reason, the members could feel its excitement as it watched the boys practice and do vocal warmups, before going into the booth to record a few tracks.

"I think it would be better if you go..."

"I feel like I should change this line... but nothing's coming to my head..."

"I need you to scream..."


The robot looked to its side, looking up to meet eyes with the leader, before turning back to the front and nodding once.

Namjoon smiled at that. Van can be a little stiff sometimes... well duh he is a robot-

"I'm glad you are. Our comeback is coming soon, and we would like it if you could join us more. Maybe you could come to the next fan meeting!"

Van turned to Namjoon again, nodding its head once.


Namjoon inhaled sharply, before relaxing and reaching up to pat its head. The robot leaned into the touch, glowing green, seeming happy with the touch. The man grinned, then began explaining about the tools and equipment to Van.


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