Honey, I Shrunk The Kids [Pt.6]

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Van was now in front of Namjoon's studio. Hoseok and Mang had left to discuss something about some performance, so Hobi has guided the robot to Joon's work area, before leaving with a wave.

It was isolated, in a corner of the building, but Van supposes it's good that these men have their own spaces to play and experiment.

It remembered its time back at Tata's place, where the siblings would often fight for things.

It knocked on the door softly, stepping back a bit to wait for the door to open.

Namjoon greeted the robot with a friendly, dimpled smile, moving a bit to allow the robot to enter.

Something... feels off...

The studio was very eccentric looking, humble, earthy colours decorated the space. Most of the furniture in the studio were wood, and some red accents here and there as well. There was a huge wooden shelf, with figurines arranged neatly for display. Unlike Hoseok's they were not in glass cases. There were also books and other little trinkets arranged on that shelf.

Then was the music-making equipment all set on a table, a microphone stand next to it.

There was a piano on the adjacent wall, decorated with dolls, and next to it was a little bonsai plant. It looked healthy.

The plant sparked his interest, and it zoomed towards it, bending a bit to look closely and scan.

Its gears whirred as it made some weird motion, and Namjoon's brain took a while to process that the robot was trying to sniff it.

He chuckled, crouching to pat the robot's head.

It was such an endearing scene; it must have learned from watching all those cartoons with the litt- tiny creatures.

"This isn't really a flower Van, so you can't really smell anything. It's just a tree."

Van's gears whirred as it stood back, looking at the man. It made another whirring sound, which Namjoon thought it sounded like a question.

"This bonsai tree has to be watched over carefully. It's a plant that requires a lot of attention. I take classes to learn how to grow it."

Van nodded, then looked back at the plant. It scanned it once more, using its tech to check the plant's vitals. And they were good.

It gave out a happy whirring sound, its body glowing green at that.

"Did you check the plant?" the man asks then, and the robot nodded, before reaching out to pet the plant softly.

"Oh... I guess it's doing good? Is it healthy?"

The robot nodded again.



Namjoon froze at that, eyes wide as soon as he heard the robotic voice.

His reaction went unnoticed by the bot as it turned to the piano.

Ahh... this is what Yoongi was referring to.

It began playing some random keys again, its happy robotic jingles blending in the jarring sound.

That shook Namjoon off his stupor, as he stood up to join Van by the piano. He patted its head.

"I'm sure you have seen this in Yoongi-hyung's studio..."

It gave an affirmative nod, continuing its work on playing random keys.

Namjoon let it, sitting back in his chair as he tried to boot up his computer for the nth time that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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