Toothbrush [RJ ~ Jinnie]

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Namjoon has disappeared again.

Great. I hope he doesn't break anything.

Hobi has already left for the next aisle, which probably holds some kinds of accessories or something. He really does care for Mang, Jin thought.

The alpaca was standing next to him, eyeing all sorts of cleaning products which were about his height. They rounded the area even longer, soon coming to the section where oral products were held.

RJ read through some gibberish words on a bottle, clearly mesmerized by the purple colour liquid. It is for drinking? Or is it for cooking?

"Oh? You found the mouthwash," Jin came over, bending down to his level to take out the big plastic bottle, "good job!"

"Hnn jaaayyyyy?"


"Yea. Like, you use mouthwash to clean them. Something like brushing teeth or flossing."



"Um... okay here," he carried the alpaca up before moving to the next product, "See?" he pointed at some small containers, "These are floss. You use this string to clean between your teeth." Next to the product was a picture of a model using said floss, and RJ nodded at that.

"Which reminds me, you need some products of your own."

RJ squeaked at that; it was true, they too needed some things.

"Okay so... you guys are pretty small, so I suggest kids products would work for you, maybe not the cookie but, would you like to pick some things for your friends?"

"Hnnn jaaaayyyyyyy!"

"Aww... okay then. C'mon."

He led them down the aisle, stopping in front of the display of kids toothbrushes. "Go on. Pick something."

He let RJ choose between different colours, designs and patterns. Once done, they went to pick some flavoured toothpaste. Jin smiled down at the alpaca, as it cutely squeaked, asking questions about the products and choosing their favourite flavours.

The trolley was soon filled with various kinds of hygiene goods, RJ being really helpful by arranging the mess neatly.

"Oh! There you are Namjoon! I've been looking for you everywhere."

RJ looked up at said man appearing with a small white pillow, a sleeping Koya on his head.

"Sorry hyung," he said as he pulled out the baby seat in the trolley.

"Um... what're you doing?"

"Well, y'know how Koya likes to sleep right?" he pointed on his head, "I wanna get him this!"

"A... pillow?"


RJ watched him fluff the pillow up, before laying it on the baby seat. Namjoon slowly got the sleepy baby from his head to gently lay him on the pillow, and RJ saw how a bubble has already formed while he snored cutely. He must be very comfortable, the alpaca thought.

"It's his pillow now."

RJ squeaked, letting the other two know about his presence.

"Jaaay jay jaaaaay jaaay..." he whispered out.

"Oh okay... here-"

Jin reached out to carry the alpaca. He felt his heart warm when RJ said that he didn't want to disturb his sleeping friend, and wanted to be with the elder.

"Is everybody done?" Jin asked the leader quietly.

"I think we are done. Yoongi-hyung and Taetae are probably done by now. And Jimin and Jungkook were still at the toy section so..."


Jin probably didn't notice, but while holding RJ, he had been rocking side to side and patting its back softly, which made it hard for the alpaca to stay awake. It yawned cutely, nuzzling its face into the neck while his tiny hands clutched the elders shirt.

Namjoon noticed and smiled, pulling up a finger to his lips before pointing at the creature. Jin understood, but made no move to disturb it. Instead, he turned his head to whisper.

"You can nap if you want..."

And with that, the rest of the words of the two men went blur as he slipped into dreamland.


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