Pasta [Chimmy ~ Jiminie]

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It was Hobi's and Jimin's turn to cook that night.

They went up to the kitchen to prepare something, but found nothing that could be made into a feast. All they could find was pasta. And some mushrooms.

"Hey Jimin!" Hoseok called from the pantry, "Check if we have cheese?"

Jimin opened the fridge door back. "Yeah we do!"

"Let's just make pasta," the elder said, bringing the bag of pasta from the pantry.

The younger agreed, and they began their work.


"Hey guys, watcha- OOOH IS THAT PASTA?!" Jin hurriedly sat in his place, RJ who was sitting on his shoulder jumped onto the table next to him, both of their eyes twinkling as their noses were filled with the heavenly smell of pasta. The one thing that Hobi was really good at making, was his pasta, especially mushroom.

"I heard someone said pasta!" Jungkook cheered as he ran in with the others trailing.

"Please tell me its Hobi's..." Yoongi muttered as he sat down next to Jin.

"I sure hope so. Hobi makes the best ones," Namjoon said, as he cradled the sleeping koala, slowly nudging him to wake up. No one should miss the opportunity to try Hobi's creation.

"Yah! What about me?" Jin exclaimed.

"Hey guuuys~~" Jimin called, bringing out a huge bowl of the creamy mushroom pasta. Hobi followed after, bringing the cutlery.

Hoseok set the big plates for the men, and smaller ones for their companions. He then proceeded to serve the others, thank god they had enough pasta for everyone.

"We need to go shopping after this. There is nothing left," Jimin spoke up, as he handed a small fork to Chimmy.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Namjoon said, feeding Koya some pasta.

The others agreed to that.

Jimin was enjoying his pasta, but soon felt eyes on him. He turned to the side, and saw Chimmy with his tongue peeking out, staring at him with starry eyes. He turned to the smaller's plate.

"Oh... you finished?"

Chimmy nodded.

"Do you want some more?"

Again, the puppy nodded.

Jimin got up and leaned over to check the contents of the bowl. Empty.

"Sorry Chimmy. The pasta has finished."

Chimmy's face fell for a moment, before perking up again to glance over Jimin's plate.

"Oh... Oh no way ahaha. This is for me."


Oh dear... the dreadful puppy eyes...


Someone come and step on me.

"Fiiiiiine... but just a little bit..."

At that, Chimmy bounced from his position and snatched the plate, slurping in all the pasta and licked the plate clean.

Jimin stared at it in shock, hand that was holding the fork in mid air and mouth hanging open as he watched all of the delicious pasta being swallowed by the puppy. He licked his lips and gulped, already missing the flavour.

The puppy happily set the plate on the table with a smile, soon noticing all the eyes on him. He yipped, tongue still peeking out as he reached for his cup, slurping the juice innocently.

Jimin pouted. There was no more pasta left, and pretty much everyone has it equally distributed.

He sighed and drank his juice. At least that would numb his hunger.

But before he could even think about feeling hungry, he heard a soft squeak, and looked down to see RJ, placing a scoop of pasta on his plate, then turning towards Chimmy to give him a squeaky lecture. The others soon followed quietly with a smile, giving some of their portions to the singer.

Jimin blushed at the sudden attention, and blushed even more when his members began sharing what they have left.

Jimin smiled softly, and after a nudge from Mang, he began eating the pasta as everyone watched with a smile.

He soon finished it, and smiled sheepishly at everyone as he mumbled a thank you.

The others just shrugged, Jin ruffling his hair as he stood to collect the dishes with Tae.

He felt his arm being nudged again, and looked down to see Chimmy with a red face, looking a bit down.

"C- Chimmy..."

I'm sorry...

It was either him, or he heard a faint whisper at the back of his head.

He chuckled and gave a small pat on its head. "It's okay. No one can resist Hobi's pasta. But wait till you try my waffles. Tony taught me."

Chimmy, happy that it was forgiven,, gave an excited yip as he jumped into the singer's arms, tail wagging furiously as the other cuddled him back before retreating into the hall.


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