Honey, I Shrunk The Kids [Pt.4]

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[ Yoongi - Van ]

It was time for the vocals to record, while the rappers decided to head back to their studios to work more on their songs.

Their respective creatures decided to follow. It was a petty chilly day that day, and all the members ended up wearing a hoodie. The two younger rappers got their companions into their hoodie pockets. Shooky was asleep in the arms of Cooky, so Yoongi dare not disturb. He placed the hamster ball he brought with him next to the container in case the cookie decided to play or run around.

"Hey Van... we're going to our studios. Do you... wanna follow or...?"

Van looked at him, around the room, looked at him again, then moved to follow. The man nodded, understanding the decision made as he held the door for the robot.

"Our studios are all on one floor, but in different areas," he explained as they boarded the elevator to the floor below.

"My studio is the closest," Yoongi spoke up when they exited, "Hobi's is right around the corner, and Namjoon's is at the very end."

As they reached Yoongi's studio, Van decided to stay with him for a bit. His desire to see all of their studios were obvious on its face... for some reason...

The younger two and Mang bid farewell as they left to theirs, and Van did a wave back, like he learned when watching Big Hero 6.

The robot heard beeping sounds and jolted a bit, turning to watch Yoongi open the door to his studio.

"Welcome to the Genius Lab," he said as he turned on the lights.

The robot shuffled in, looking around the room with quiet interest.

"Okay... let's see if it gets to turn on..."

Yoongi was now sitting in his chair, trying to get his computer to boot up.

Van made a slight whirring noise as it stepped closer to Yoongi.

The computer booted up as usual, and Yoongi let out a quiet cheer as he screen loaded. 

"Hey Van... do you have these kinds of equipment from where you were?"

Van pondered the question a bit, before shaking its head.

"Ah... I see... anyways I was wanting to show you this stuff. They're pretty good quality, and maybe you could learn a thing or two..."

Yoongi began introducing to the few music-making equipments he had.

"Go on."

Van looked up at him for confirmation. When he got a nod, he turned back to the keyboard, raised an arm, and pressed on a key. It made a high sound, and Van glowed a bit at that. His gears whirred again as he pressed another key, and another key, and another. Soon both his arms were on the keyboard as he pressed the keys one by one in quick succession. Yoongi laughed at its antics, patting its back for encouragement.

Van turned to him and watched him laugh as its arms kept hitting the keys, before turning back to continue. It was clearly enjoying whatever it was doing.

"Remember the toy piano Cooky likes to play with?" the man asked. The robot paused its playing, looking up at Yoongi and nodded. He smiled, "That's what it is. His is just a toy and is pretty small and light. This one's a keyboard. There are even bigger ones than this, like the grand piano, and the organ."

Van glowed and whirred at the information.

The man could only scrunch and smile at how... cute it was...

Van turned to look at the keyboard, before turning to look at the man.


The rapper just blinked.

"Uh... you want music?" he gestured the keyboard.

Van moved to step away a bit.

"Ah you want me to play you something..."

Van nodded once and stepped away more when Yoongi shuffled his chair to position himself in front of the keyboard. He thought of a song that he could play, and decided to go for the one he has practised countless of times.

The music began flowing through the room as he played a small part of the piece, and Van could only take in the melody as it watched the man play with grace, face concentrated and full of emotion.

Van felt its gear's whirring calm a bit, remembering a time back from its planet with Tata.

Once done, Yoongi turned to look at the robot, smiling when he saw the robot glowing again.



It was a very robotic voice, and it was just one word, but Yoongi felt himself freeze in his seat as he blinked in shock.

Van, thinking he did not understand, gestured at the keyboard, then pointed at its belly as a red heart glowed. It looked back up to the man.

Yoongi was silent the whole time, and when he saw the heart before looking back at the robot, he could not describe it, the sudden rush of feelings in him as they looked at each other. He felt his eyes burn a bit...

Van began glowing slightly pink, the heart on his screen began showing up more as he looked at the man.

Yoongi could only bite his lip, sighing as his body slumped forward, arms around the robot to bring it closer. He closed his eyes, savouring this warm feeling in him. Ah... this is what it is...

He felt stiff, calculated pats on his back, and he stifled a laugh as he held the robot tighter.

The doorbell to his studio chimed, breaking their stupor.

Yoongi snivelled and smiled at the robot's jolt, patting his head as he got up to open the door.

"Sorry, but he was looking for you-"

"Shooky shooooky shooky shoo shooky-"

"Okay okay I'm sorry-"

"Shooky shooooooo-"

"Can you blame me? You were sleeping-"


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