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Kay guys a few reminders and clarifications... just in case if any of you were questioning or got stuff wrong, imma clarify it in this note.

(I know you were expecting for a chapter, and yes it will come soon)

Moving on... ahem ahem...

1. I know BTS have BT21 as gender-neutral, but I based these characters before they even decided on the gender. So if it's okay, I don't really wanna change anything and just let it be till the end. Not that I'm not acknowledging the fact that they are gender-neutral, but because I based their relationship up to that point that if I do change, its probably gonna change a few dynamics. Also its just fiction, so if you want to think them as gender-neutral, go ahead.

2. Height. Now I know most of you guys question the height, so imma just outright say it. RJ is considered the tallest. And I based with his height about the height of the knees. Which means, he is pretty much toddler height..... or baby. Baby. Just imagine. The height of a 1-year-old. *shrugs* any height but is short. Followed by the others.

3. Van is Yoongi's/Jimin's height, and I made it so, so that it could carry around the creatures + all their stuff in it. Also, where is he actually most of the time... hmm...

4. Tata has 5 lasers. And counting.

5. Shooky plasters himself onto things he loves.

6. I don't know what Mang is so...

7. In the "Mang's Birthday... Also..." chapter, there was confusion on how Yoongi kept messing up. 😂😂He was just trying to buy time and distract Mang, so he purposely did those. Anything to get the party up and going.

Hmm... what else...?

Remind me if there's anything else to clarify.

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