Side Story: Van

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The men woke up to... empty sides.

It was confusing for a moment, but then thought that they might be out in the living room watching TV or colouring.

They eerily got out of their rooms around the same time after a nice shower. They had their afternoon full that day, no one having anything to do in the morning.

They got into the kitchen, where a simple brunch was laid out on the table. They have done it again! Where in the world...

The group of creatures soon marched out with tableware, Tata helping them place on the table using his tentacle-like arms. Van was following behind them, before stopping next to the table. On the top of its head, coffee was brewing, and in its arms was a tray with juice.

The men smiled and said their thanks as they sat down in their respective seats, before bowing down to pick their companions up to have them join for a meal.

Brunch was going somewhat well, and when Namjoon got up to Van to get a second serving of coffee, Van's lights suddenly began flickering and ceased all movements.

Namjoon backed away with silent horror and confusion. It just... froze. Then and there. Lights going on and off. Gears whirring inside him softly.

"Um... guuuys?"


"Something's... something's wrong with Van..."

At that, the men and creatures peeked around the man to take a look at the grey and white robot. Sure enough, they immediately noticed dimness and the light-flickering of the robot. They looked at the man.

"I swear I didn't do anything! I didn't even touch it!"

While he was trying his very best to deny, the creatures were already on the floor running towards the robot.

"Tata tataa!" the little alien wailed, as it jumped and plastered itself onto the robot. The other creatures crowded around the robot, wrapping their arms around it.

They were... hugging Van.

Namjoon let them, silently taking the tray out of the stiff robot's hands and the coffee pot from its head then placing them onto the table. He watched quietly as the arms went down to the sides while the top part closed quietly.

The other men watched quietly as well, silently eating as they wondered what was going on.

They shared a look, an agreement to discuss about it later.

They soon finished their meal, and began cleaning up the place. But the creatures have not moved much. Halfway through the meal, they had the robot sit and all seven creatures formed a cuddle pile with their robot.

The men let them be, plating some food for them to eat as they sat together in the corner of the dining area.


It had been a few hours after the small incident. An hour after their brunch, the men got ready to head off to BigHit for work. They asked if their companions would like to follow, but only got squeaks of no as an answer. They shrugged and let them be. Jin gave a few reminders to the little ones before leaving with the rest of the men.

Its going to be dinner time soon, and the men had a few dishes in mind that they were ready to prepare after freshening themselves. Once they reached in, they saw no signs of the creatures or the robot in the living room. Usually, around this time they would be watching TV.

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