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They placed it right in the middle of their living room, after clearing away of course.

The robot was around the same size as Yoongi, Jungkook pointed out and laughed, but then was silenced with a glare.

Jimin came around with a rag after noticing the robot was covered in mud and grass. He wiped it off until the robot's glossy cover glistened under the white light.

They all stared at the robot, walking around it, knocking on its head, finding any buttons; none.

"Hmm...maybe it's voice activated?" Namjoon suggested and Taehyung immediately belted out every possible spells he could think of.


"It's not working!" Jin pressed a hand to his mouth to shut him up.

Taehyung huffed and pouted, arms crossed as he glared at the robot. "Open sesame!"

"Hmm..." Jimin walked closer and crouched right in front of its head. He scanned it a bit when his eyes met with the eyes of the robot.

And suddenly, a red light shone out of the mouth, and everyone jumped back. As Jimin was still in front of the robot, the bright light directed towards him and ran from the top of his head to the sole of his feet, then back to the top and stopped, the eyes shining a green flash. They watched with shock and disbelief and noticed that its belly was showing a circle, a part of it was green.

Everyone was confused until Namjoon stepped forward, crouching down near its face and again the red light appeared. Namjoon stood still as the light ran up and down, the eyes flashing a green and another part of the circle completed.

By then everyone knew what was supposed to be done, but they were still worried on what will happen after.

So each cautiously went up to the robot to get themselves scanned, just to see what would happen.

Once Jin was done, after a lot of protesting, they stepped back, waiting for something happen.

The saw the now fully green circle blink, and Taehyung spoke up. "I think we should press it..."

The others silently agreed.

"Hobi you're closer. Go press it."

Hoseok gave a betrayed look towards Jimin. "Then what if I die?"

"Then we'll know not to touch it."

He knew it was a joke, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. He carefully stepped to the side, reached his hand out to press the circle as it made a tune and Hoseok quickly staggered back.

They watched in amaze, as the robot lit up a faded green light from inside, then its sides and the front began detaching. The room was filled with the whirring sounds of gears as the robot opened itself up, a small light illuminating to show them whatever was inside.

They stepped closer to get a proper look.

Inside were a few...things...creatures...???


They watched the creatures huddled up together as their chests moved up and down, eyes closed shut.

"Are they...sleeping?" Jimin whispered from the side.


They watched longer, trying to make out what each of them were since they were all squished into a ball of snooze.

Then, Taehyung did the unthinkable. He reached out and poked the ball, earning a few harsh slaps when the others realized what the hell was doing. He winced a bit, and that was enough to wake the bundle in the robot.

They quickly shuffled back, when a brown circle...thing jumped out from it. The others soon slowly separated and were awake, still sleepily holding onto each other's hand.

A red heart-head noticed that the boys were watching them and quickly wrapped its blue-yellow arms around his friends, protecting them.

The other creatures soon noticed too, and began quivering.

The boys and the creatures were now staring at each other, waiting for the first move.

Namjoon took the first step slowly, and crouched down to their level. He saw how they flinched back a bit, maybe due to fear, and he gave a warm, friendly smile.

The creatures watched him with fascination as he held out a hand. They could hear how the others were calling him, whisper-shouting his name, but his huge stature blocked their view so all they could see was him and only him.

The heart-head slowly let go of his friends, and reached his stretchy hand out towards Namjoon's.

It gave his palm a light tap and immediately pulled away in case it could be attacked. But there was none and it tapped again and again until it had its hand in the man's.

Namjoon smiled softly and held it carefully, not wanting to scare them and shook it. "Hello."

The heart-head stepped closer, still holding onto his hand. It understood the greeting and nodded; speaking up.



"Ta-Tata. Tata tatatata tatata."

Namjoon tried his very best not to show his confusion, but the heart-head was able to sense it. It retracted its hand and climbed up to the head of the robot where it pressed a button. A screen was folded out from somewhere inside and lit up, showing a picture of the read heart-head and its name next to it, Tata.

"Ah your name is Tata?"

Tata smiled and nodded. "Tatatatata tatatatata tata tatata!!!"

"I'm guessing you're happy." He said and sat crossed leg. The others, with the help of Tata, sat across of him. By then, the other boys were hovering behind Namjoon, watching the spectacle.

"C'mon guys! Sit next to me. They're friendly." Namjoon said and patted the free space next to him. The boys sat themselves quietly, awed at the scene.

The screen changed showing the picture of a blue and purple masked pony, Mang.

The boys turned to said pony and the pony blushed under their attention. They all cooed at the pony, making its cheeks as pink as it heart shaped nose.

Then it changed to the koala bear, Koya.

They looked at him and noticed that he was lying down, a bubble floating from its nose as it snored cutely.

The brown circle got up, quickly ran towards it and popped the bubble. The popping sound shocked Koya awake, making one of his ears drop. The boys gasped in horror.

Meanwhile, the brown circle laughed at that while the koala fell back into a deep sleep.

The screen now showed the brown thing, its name was Shooky.

"Shooky. Shooky shooky shoooooky shooky."

Whatever that meant.

The screen showed the pink bunny next, Cooky.

"Jungkookie! It must be for you!" Hoseok said as he watched the pink bunny help the white cloud with legs to fix back Koya's ears.

The white cloud with legs was apparently named RJ.

And then followed by a puppy in a yellow hoodie, Chimmy.

The boys continued watching the creatures, really fascinated at whatever they were doing as they teased each other in front of the boys.

The boys could only coo and melt in their cuteness.


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