Dance [Mang ~ Hobi]

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Hoseok and Mang came out the room to see Yoongi and Taehyung rummaging through the kitchen as they shouted stuff towards Jungkook. Jungkook was by the table, furiously scribbling things on the paper.

Jin was just busy ordering breakfast, and instantly he remembered that there were no food left, and that they were going shopping letter.

"Hey guys? What about for these little things?" Namjoon said from his place, Koya on his head sleeping.

"Ah yes! Jungkook! We need animal shampoo, toys, clothes-"

"Wait, hyung! I'm still not done with the groceries!"


Food has finally arrived, and the whole gang has left the forgotten, scribbled up paper by the counter to feast in some delicious food.

Van was together with them, as usual, playing music for everyone to listen to and enjoy while eating.

They were enjoying the takeout when an upbeat song played, and everyone started singing and jamming to it.

Hobi got excited as that was one of his favourite songs, and he immediately jumped off of his chair to bust out some moves. The members cheered on as he did his famous body rolls and those awesome popping dance of his.

The creatures stared at him in awe. That man can dance!

He soon stopped when he became tired and opted to sit, but no one wanted him to be done yet. They wanted more, and he was a bit breathless when he was about to reject, when Cooky began nudging Mang.

The pony tried rejecting whatever he was suggesting, and soon all the creatures were squeaking at him to do... something. The pony took a glance at the men's confused faces, before blushing and shyly nodding.

Wondering what was going to happen, RJ began pushing away the empty boxes while the others squeaked at their companions, trying to explain something.

And just like that, Mang began busting out break dance moves, on the dining table, in front of everyone.

Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon were screaming, Taehyung and Jimin were cheering, Jungkook visibly backed up in shock, and Hobi's jaw was already on the floor as Mang did spins on her hands and splits after somersaulting. She kept throwing out impossible dance moves, and the members just couldn't help but wonder whether she was boneless or not.

Meanwhile, Shooky and RJ were doing a whole cheer routine, Tata had Van shoot out confetti, Chimmy was excitedly yipping at everything as he tried copying some moves, Koya was either sleeping, or is awake and smiling as he watched her dance, and Cooky was throwing imaginary money at her.


"What the hell just- you can breakdance?!" was the first thing anyone has said (Jungkook), after ten minutes of a few more songs and silenced awe.

Mang turned red, until steam was visibly appearing out of her mask as she nodded softly.

"Aigoo!~~~ my Mang is the best dancer ever! Especially at break dancing!" Hobi cheered, scooping the red-faced pony into his arms, "Aren't you just wonderful? Oh yes you are! Oh yes you are!"

He went on with his praises as he was clearly enjoying her flustered expressions, leaving the others to clean the mess and sort out the grocery list.


Shoutout to @lostjinsei for pointing this out! And I decided to make a chapter out of it!!

Yay me!

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