Piano [Cooky ~ Kookie]

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Jungkook and Jimin were in charge of toys.

Namjoon and Jin had a small discussion back in the car, and both agreed that it would be a good idea to buy some things for their little friends. At least they would something to play with to be entertained. They had called the two and sent them off to buy some toys for the creatures.

So now, Jungkook and Jimin were walking around the toy section, as they scanned the shelfs for some dolls and toys.

Jungkook wandered off to the toy section while Jimin stayed back with the trolley, still looking at the dolls.

He had Cooky on his shoulders as he showed the bunny the toys they could play with. They had lengthy discussions on which creature would like which toy as they picked, until Cooky saw it.

It was a piano toy. On display.

Cooky squeaked and jumped off from Jungkook's shoulders, making the man yelp as is arms flailed to try to catch the bunny.

The creature landed on the floor with a thumph, but thanks to its excitement, he ignored the dull pain on his bottom and ran for the toy piano.

Jungkook, leaving Jimin by the dolls, ran after the bunny.

"Cooky! Aish, you're lucky that this store is empty. What if someone sees you?"

Cooky turned with a sad, guilty look.

"And remember what Jin-hung said, don't leave us running..."

The bunny squeaked and nodded.

The singer sighed softly as he rubbed his temple, before crouching down to the bunny's level. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Cooky gave his butt a small rub.

"Aww... c'mere."

He carried the bunny up, letting it nuzzle its face in his shoulder as he gave small, comforting rubs, trying to ease the pain away. The bunny must have been feeling good, as Jungkook noticed its tail twitch cutely.

"So, which was the toy you were eying?"

Cooky looked up from his position. He brushed off his floppy ears and checked the shelves, pointing out the toy piano.

He went to it, shifting the bunny so that its back was on his chest as he held across its torso, leaving the hands free. The bunny flapped its arms and legs as it got closer, making grabby hands.

Once he got hold of the piano, he began pulling it.

"No, no Cooky. Its attached so no one would steal."


He pouted at the toy as if it was its fault that he was not able to take it.

Jungkook smiled. "Here, you do this..." he brought up a finger to press a key. It made a small sound, shocking the bunny.

"Coooookyyyyy!!" he began pressing all the keys.

"And!..." the bunny stopped, concentrating as Jungkook's fingers came into view. The man pointed at a few buttons on top, "...if you press this..."

And the piano began playing the tune of 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'.

Cooky gasped and squeaked again. After the tune finished, he pressed another, letting the melody of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.


"Oh? Looks like we have to go."

Upon hearing that, the bunny looked up in shock, and when Jungkook turned, he squeaked and wriggled, arms reaching out to grab the piano.

"Cooky cooky cooooky cookyyyyyyy..."

"Y- Yah don't shake too much!"

"Hnnnnggggg cooooookyyyyy!!"

"You... you want the toy?"


Oh. Oh no not the eyes. This must be Chimmy's work.

"Um... well we only planned to buy dolls- " the bunny sniffled and looked down.

Jungkook felt really bad. He nuzzled his face in between the ears, giving it a small kiss.

"I'll try to ask the hyungs first... and if they agree... we'll buy. Okay?"

Jungkook then went up to Jimin, informing him about the piano.

"Well, the piano doesn't sound like a bad idea but, you know, we have a budget. And Yoongi-hyung holds the money. We must ask Yoongi-hyung and Jinnie-hyung... but first" he said, then took a look at Cooky before looking back at the younger, "Why is Cooky red in colour?"


Please forgive me for being slow...

I was updating another two stories, and I had some family stuff to take care of. I managed to write this like... immediately.

So if it was messy I'm sorry😓

I'm working on the next one now. So it will be updated soon!

BTS X BT21जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें