RJ ~ Jinnie

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Meanwhile, while playing, the loud sound from the TV scared RJ, and he leaned back and fell from Jungkook's shoulder and onto the floor.

"Shit-" Jungkook tried catching it but was too late. RJ landed on its belly. Its face was etched with shock, then soon morphed into a pained one and teared a bit.

Jin himself got startled by the sound and soon relaxed, glaring around the place to find who the hell switched on the TV at this hour, but even everyone had confusion on their faces, except for Hoseok who was behind the robot, lying flat on the floor. He sighed exasperatedly when he noticed RJ sniffling, quickly wiping its tears as Jungkook carefully helped it up.

He saw how the cloud thing wiped its face rushed, then adjusted its red-orange scarf, and then smiled at the three men.

Jin smiled softly and went to pat on its head, RJ lowering its head wary at first, and relaxed when he was petted. It quickly looked up at Jin when he hissed and pulled his hand away, and it knew what it meant. Jin was his companion. He smiled, and met eyes with the elder, then jumped happily into his arms to love the man.

There they were, the fourteen of them, cuddling chatting among one another, playing together as if they were life long friends while the TV ran on at the back, the broken radio long forgotten.


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