Singularity [ Pt. 1 ]

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Tae was alone in the practice room.

Well... not really alone.

There were other dancers as well. All from other countries.

They were going to perform in a music video with him.

He fumbled with his phone nervously, really shy. He realised that he should like... get up and mingle with them. But he was not an English speaker like Namjoon, so he felt a bit awkward.

But that was not like him.

He was – is, one of the most friendly, lovable person to ever live on earth. He should be able to go up with his bubbly personality and just chat with them, but there was something else – some other thought lurking in the back of his mind.

He was not good enough.

Taehyung was not part of the dance line, unlike Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook. And he wasn't much in the vocal line either, unlike Jimin and Jungkook...

Even his hyung was a bit... yeah.

He felt himself shrink more when he realised he would have to practice with these strangers in the room. alone. With no one else. With nne of the members with him.


He sighed, and stood up to get himself some water from the dispenser. Where they all were gathered. Great.

He shuffled along, shyly meeting eyes and just looking down, only water in his mind. Water, water, thirsty, water, they are looking at me shit, no, water, just water-


He almost dropped his cup of water.

He looked up startled at the man, with a charming smile on as he greeted. Taehyung swallowed.

"Hell- Hello..."

"Mr. Kim. Or... what how do they address them again?" the man looked at his friends.


"Ahh yes. Kim-ssi. Sounds like kimchi. By the way, I love kimchi!"

"That's the first thing you say?"

"I also love BTS."


Taehyung just looked around confused. He understood some of them, but the nervousness in the pit of his stomach wasn't really making things easier.

"Do you want to join us?"

He looked back at the same man, Mr. Charming Smile.

He dumbly nodded and sat together.


They were best friends by this point. Even the members and the little ones feel like he was slowly separating from them.


"Oh my god guuuuyyyss!!!~"


The maknae line proceeded in quite a violent cuddle on the floor while the dancers looked in shock and the managers just kept on with their work.

"Meet my new friends!"

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