Mang ~ Hobi

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Hoseok and Jin were having fun watching the creatures play together with their companions and each other. It was a sight to behold.

Hoseok noticed Jimin cuddling up with Chimmy and Namjoon patting the koala on the back of its head with a smile. They have found theirs huh?

Hoseok smiled and went back to watching Shooky, Cooky and RJ play with Yoongi and Jungkook. If you consider climbing and jumping from one guy to another like Tarzan is a game...

He watched them jump from Yoongi to Jungkook, back to Yoongi and then back onto Jungkook. RJ was just frantically running to prevent the two from falling.

It was cute to watch.

He glanced around after noticing the pony wasn't there. His face held a worried one, as he looked around the other members and creatures to find said pony.

He shuffled up to his knee and crawled around, looking for said pony when he found him behind the robot, fiddling with the remote controller. His hands jammed across the button and accidentally hit the 'on' button, switching on the TV. It let out a loud sound, startling the poor pony as it ran away from the scary light box aimlessly. He scrambled away in fear and almost fell face flat onto the ground after tripping on the remote control, if it wasn't for Hoseok's reflex skills.

Hoseok quickly reached out, slightly far from what he had anticipated and slid onto his stomach, effortlessly catching onto Mang's head. He quickly got up, still cradling the head and noticed there were tears pouring out from the bottom of the mask. Hoseok smiled a comforting one and held the bottom of the mask, wanting to pull out to wipe away the tears, but the pony stubbornly held it down.

He realised the pony probably didn't want anyone to see its face, so he let it be. He reached for a tissue nearby, tore a quarter of it and handed it to Mang. Mang gratefully took it and slid it under the mask, probably wiping his tears.

Hoseok smiled when he saw Mang starting to feel better, and patted on its head. Mang, though, wanted a hug, and with a slightly red face it ran towards the man and gripped tightly onto his torso. Hoseok became flustered at the action and rubbed its back happily, and then he felt it.

The pain. On his wrist. He looked and stared in awe at the purple colour pony head mark, and broke out into a smile. Mang felt happy and he sensed it, both immediately coddling each other.


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