Pillow [Koya ~ Joonie]

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Namjoon was just scanning the shelves as Jin picked out the soaps and shampoos.

"Joon-ah! Can you get the pet shampoo? And where is Hobi?"

"Here hyung!" a small voice from a few aisles away called out.

"Okay. Anyways, get the shampoo. I think it's on the other side."

Namjoon nodded, shifting an awed koala onto the other arm as he fished out his phone. He did a little check on the internet about the best animal shampoo to use, and has come up with so many names.

He soon reached the part specially designated for animal stuff, and began hunting down for the shampoo he had in mind.

There were only three bottles left; he was lucky.

Maybe I should take all three? He thought, and swiped them off the shelf.

He walked back to the eldest, placing the shampoos in the trolley and walked off.

He noticed the koala looking awed at everything, so a little tour wouldn't hurt, right? He began walking down different aisles.

He went to the food section, watching the small brawl between Yoongi and Taehyung, then went past the aisles that held spices and other dry ingredients, then the drink section, then towards the clothes and accessories, where he saw Hobi and Mang playing, then to the toy section where Jimin was with Chimmy.

He could hear gurgling sounds from the koala, and watched him with an amused face as Koya tried to fight off his sleep, still very intrigued with the whole situation.

That's when a thought hit.

Koya tend to sleep anywhere and everywhere; he and the others knew it of course.

But sometimes, as he watched the koala sleep, he just wondered how the koala could just... sleep

... extremely uncomfortably.

Sometimes his head lolls to the back,letting his ears drop, and Namjoon unconsciously copies it, then feeling a dull ache and he just can't stand seeing Koya like that.

Normally, he takes initiative; he lets the koala sleep on him mostly, because well... the koala sleeps at random times at random places. So he always attaches himself to it just so that it could sleep well without feeling sore. He always grimaced whenever he unknowingly imagines the way it sleeps and how painful it would feel once it wakes up.

He quickly went to back of the store and began his search.


"Oh! There you are Namjoon! I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Sorry hyung," he said, pulling out the baby seat in the trolley.

"Um... what're you doing?"

"Well, y'know how Koya likes to sleep right?" he mentioned the sleeping koala on his head, "I wanna get him this!"

"A... pillow?"

"Yes." He fluffed up the small pillow, making it look more puffy. He placedthe pillow on the seat, nearly covering the whole thing. Then he carefully got Koya from his head and gently laid him on it. He watched Koya sigh happily, nuzzling its face into Namjoon's hand while his little hands clutched the pillow. Namjoon eased his hand off slowly, smiling softly when the koala nuzzled back into the plush pillow, a little bubble forming out as he snored cutely.

"It's his pillow now."


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