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The group were enjoying their dinner Yoongi bought. They chatted as they chewed, not caring if the munched food flew out while they laughed at the stories and jokes that one was saying.

This went on for a while, when the radio which was playing a song suddenly faded out.

Jungkook, who was quietly humming the song, paused when he heard the radio stop. He looked at the radio by the counter, noticing the small red led light stopped blinking. It was not supposed to stop since it works on electric...did a wire snap?

He stared at it in confusion and as soon as he got up to check, the light came back on and for a moment, Jungkook felt relief. Then he gasped in shock when the light started blinking fast and a loud, ear-piercing static noise played through the speakers, making everyone wince and block their ears.

"What's happening?!" Hoseok cried out as he pressed his palms against his ears harder, glaring worriedly at the source of sound.

The sound kept growing louder and louder to the point none of the boys could hear their own heartbeats.

This went for a few seconds and all of a sudden, the radio blew up; its speakers flying off, buttons popping out and smoke curled out of the metal box.

The boys stared at it in horror and jumped away when the speakers were launched at them.

"I swear that wasn't me!" Namjoon spoke up after a while.

Jin was about retaliate when a loud, crashing sound was heard, making the boys jump. Hoseok crept behind Yoongi who was closer to the window which showcased their backyard.

Both peered out the window, trying to see what that noise was and soon, other members joined.

"Let's go check," Namjoon suggested and Tae walked along the corridor that led to the back door. He opened it, letting the cold wind in as the members stepped out, only to find a huge grey and white...thing on the ground.

Yoongi picked up a small stone by the steps and threw at it; a clanging sound was heard.

Jin shoved the younger. "Aish what are you doing?"

"Just checking to see if its someone playing a prank on us," he said and cautiously walked around it. "Judging by the sound, it's definitely not someone under there... but more like a robot."

"Let's bring it in!"

"Jungkook no! What if there were aliens in it? Or worse, a bomb?" Jin said and Taehyung awed at that. "Oooh..."

"Well whatever it is in there should replace the radio I bought." Hoseok spoke up, still slightly trembling from the shock.

"C'mon guys, help me!" Yoongi was already kneeling by the thing. He dug his hands beneath and rolled it over, only to be met with a weird face.

It had and 'X' and an 'O' for its eyes, a thin line at the bottom which Yoongi guessed it was a mouth. Half of the body was white, while the other half was grey.

All the members crowded around it after realizing the robot was not responding. And soon, they had the robot on Namjoon and Jungkook, as they carried it inside.


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