Embry gave me a necklace. He had waited  until everyone else had left before sitting with me in front of the fire and handing me the wrapped package. When I opened his present, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The necklace had a silver chain with a heart pendant on the end. On the back, he had engraved, “I promise you my present, my future, my forever.” It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Tonight was New Year’s Eve. It was almost eleven when Embry pulled me away from the party the Cullens were throwing with the pack. He drove us up to the Cliffside where we had our first date. He grabbed some blankets and we wrapped them tightly around our bodies as we lay on the hood of his car waiting for it to turn midnight.

I snuggled against Embry keeping warm. His heartbeat was steady against my ear. The cliff was away from all the lights of Forks and La Push so we could see the stars in the sky tonight. The heart pendant on my necklace lay against my collarbone. I hadn’t taken it off since he had given it to me.

“Remember when we came out here those months ago?” Embry asked softly taking my hand in his. I still couldn’t help but admire how my hand fit in his, my pale skin glowing against his tan skin.

I let my mind drift back to the last time we were here. I felt myself smile. I had been so nervous about going out on a date with Embry. That was when I was still in denial of my feelings and conflicted on what to do about the Volturi. Even with all that on my mind, Embry had made it one of the best nights of my life. He made me feel wanted and that’s really all I could have wanted then.

“The night of our first date. I’m pretty sure I was as nervous as you were but it was a great night. It was the night that I started to break down my walls,” I replied leaning my head back so I could look up at him. He smiled down at me in return.

“I knew that night that there would never be anyone but you whether you are my imprint or not. I meant what I said on your necklace,” he said picking up the heart pendant in his fingers and turning it over so that we could both see the engraving. “We already been through so much in our short relationship and I know that there will be more obstacles along the way but I promise that I’ll be there to protect you. I’ll be by your side the whole way,” he finished looking into my eyes.

I probably would have started to tear up but the weather outside was freezing and keeping me from doing so. I rest a hand on his cheek. Embry’s eyes slipped shut at the contact. “I was hoping you would say something like that because it’ll be hard to get rid of me now,” I replied which caused him to chuckle. He opened his eyes once again to gaze into mine. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning up and kissing him sweetly.

When I pulled back, I rested my forehead against his. “I love you Embry Call. You have changed me for the better and I couldn’t imagine living without you in my life. After everything, you have somehow found it in your heart to forgive me and I will be making it up to you every day for the rest of my life,” I whispered.

“I love you too Lamia,” I heard Embry reply before pressing his lips to mine. My heart immediately started to beat faster, a reaction to Embry that I knew would always be with me. A loud boom startled us making us pull apart. The sky lit up with fireworks signaling that it had finally struck midnight.

We laid there, Embry and I, for what seemed like hours watching the different colors shoot across the sky. A new year was beginning right before us and I was ready for the challenge. We would stand together and as I snuggled up against Embry’s side, I knew that nothing could break us.

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