"But-" I wanted to object but then I really need to make sure mom and dad won't say stupid stuffs.

Following Sunmi into the kitchen, I spotted Kai sat on the pillow as he sat opposite my dad, his head hung low while my dad sat straight as he stares at Kai.

My mom was placed small cups and a tea on the table before sitting beside my dad, both of them just staring at Kai who still had his head hung low.

Kai nervously looks around, his haze scanning everyone except where my parents were until his gaze met mine which makes his eyes light up.

"Come." He motions for me to come with his hand.

My parents both then turn their gaze to me which makes me stiffen, nervousness also taking over me as my pain starts to sweating especially because of my mom gaze.

"Joy, come here." My mom orders and I nervously walk towards the table and sit beside Kai, as I folded my leg in a Indian style and nervously grab my feet.

Sunmi sits beside my mom as the three stare at both of us.

The awkward silence was already getting on my nerve.

"Where is grandma?" I ask.

"In her room, sleeping." My mom replied.

"Ah.. I see." I nod in understanding, rubbing the back of my neck.

"How far have you guys gone in your relationship?" My mom asked.

"Nothing. We've not done anything, actually we just started dating, so we've not done anything." I immediately answered, ranting nervously.

"Don't lie." My mom says sternly.

"I'm not! We've done absolutely nothing. We just go out here and there. Just that." I lied which my mom wasn't buying as she turns to Kai.

"You talk." She says to Kai, making him look up at her.


"Well.." She ask him to continue.

I turn to Kai and see him look at Sunmi, nervously.

"We've.."He looks at my mom then looked down as he says. ,"Kissed."

He didn't have to say that! I guess its because Sunmi was here and has already caught us. Ugh! This! This! Idiot! Doesn't he know how strict my parents are.

"But it wasn't really like a kiss, its just a simple peck." I defended immediately.

"That's banned from bow on, even peck, understand." My mom ordered.

"Understood mam." Kai immediately answered. Agreeing to what she said.


"What else?" My mom asked him to continue.

"Just that!" I interfered and my mom glared at me.

"I'm not talking to you." She shuts me up before turning back to kai. I let out a sigh of frustration as I couldn't bare this conversation.

"We've.. Sleep on the same couch." Kai answered.

Even that!?

"That's banned to. Don't sleep on anything together." My mom dictated and Kai nods sternly. "Anything else?" My mom ask, folding her arm.

Kai shakes his head and my mom nods in understanding, before sitting up as she grabs the jug, ready to pour tea in Kai's cup when Kai noticed it, he immediately lifted his cup up with his two hands while his head hung low.

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