Exotic Naga On The Lose

Start from the beginning

"[name], love, dinner!"  Arthur called.

"Coming,"  You said, slithering into the dining room.  "What'sss for dinner?"  You asked, taking a seat at the dining table.

"Something you'll enjoy," Arthur said with a chuckle.

"Meat?"  You asked, practically drooling, making Arthur chuckle more.

"Precisely,"  He said, placing a plate in front of you.  "I made a premium hamburg steak,"  He said, removing the cover to reveal... something...

'It looks like charcoal,'  You thought as you stared at the hamburg steak (?).

"Well, eat up,"  Arthur said, beaming at you with eyes that seemed to sparkle, making you feel guilty.

'Urk... If I don't eat this, I'll break his heart, but...'  You poked the meat with your fork.  'Maybe my weak sense of taste will save me,'  You thought optimistically.

You took a deep breath and cut a piece and put in your mouth freezing.

"Well?  I think it is personally-"  Arthur was cut off by you gagging and passing out in front of him, foam coming from your mouth.

"Wha-?!  Hold on [name], I'll get the ambulance!"  Arthur said, hurrying to the phone.

'Light... I see a light...'  You thought to yourself.

"You wanker, you should not have thought of serving her your cooking!"  Arthur's boss said as he called his boss from the ambulance.

And thus Arthur was banned from cooking meals for you.


"Hey [name], aru."  Yao asked.

"Hmm?  What'sss up Yao?"  You asked, looking up from your magazine.

"I was wondering what nagas usually do about clothing, aru."  Yao said.  "I would imagine clothing is difficult for your kind, aru."

"Yeah, it can be kind of tricky to a human, but we usssually jussst ssstick with wrapping ourssselvesss up around our hipsss and focusss on covering our upper halvesss."  You said.

"What about your lower halves, aru?"  Yao asked, looking at your tail.

"Oh, we don't do much with it sssince cloth getsss worn from usss ssslithering on the ground, but we do make tail warmersss.  I actually have one, wanna sssee?"  You asked.

"Yes please, aru!"  Yao said excitedly.

"Just give me a few minutesss,"  You said, getting up from the couch.  You slithered off and came back after a few moments with your tail warmer which was like a big sock that covered your tail.

"Aiya!  That design is so cute, aru!"  Yao declared, gliding his hands over the tail warmer.

"Thanksss, I like it too and it'sss sssuper cozy."  You said as Yao continued to fawn over it.


You curled up in the bed, tail warmer and sweater on, but you still felt cold.  You barely moved when you heard a knock on the door followed by Ivan walking in.

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