work - zico | blockb

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Ah shit. I have to go to work today. I have to go work at that one place where I get to see the real beasts behind the stage. People mostly see the hot men that sing and dance... maybe grind their sweaty bodies on the floor. Damn that's hot. But it's different with me... I see the fucking 5 year olds that can't control themselves until you tell them they're going to be punished by the manager.
You should see their faces..
I get up and hop in the shower scrubbing with anger because I have to work with the great group on a Friday, Block B.
All of them bother me. My co-workers and staff say that we don't even act like we work with each other. They say it looks like we're real good friends to be physically touching each other.
I hop out the shower and change into ripped jeans and a sweater.

"Y/N !!! I'm hungry can we have a break ?!!" Taeil comes running up to me as I enter the practice room. He smiles and I smile back sweetly. The members start to giggle and laugh knowing what's next.
"No." My expression changes to a serious one and I whack him with the papers I was had in my hand. The rest of the members started to laugh until I looked at them with an expecting face. They quickly got in their positions for their song "Shall We Dance".

They hit every beat perfectly causing me to smile. Working with idols was stressing.. but when you had to work with these annoying boys.. it made it a little fun. I started to clap to the beat as they rapped and sang their parts focused except one, Woo Ji-Ho.

''Zico POV''

I dance with the group and make ad libs waiting for her to do that thing. I see her eyes start to crease and the corners of her mouth lift. She smiled. Her smile is the reason I'm still taking the pressure of being an idol. I would bear anything in this lifestyle for her. I notice she's looking at me her smile softening. I feel my cheeks heat up and go back to dancing. As we wrap up, I see Jaehyo start to giggle and nudge the members.. looking my direction.

"What's up with you guys?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothingggg ! Just how obvious it is you're crushing on Ms. Yi when you blush that hard." Jaehyo snorts, the other members laughing too.

I freeze and stutter denial.

She stares at us. Waiting for our attention like kids. That's when it gets silent.

"If you morons don't stop teasing Ji-Ho, there's no meal on me. Nor drinks.

They all drop to their knees, and bow for mercy on their empty stomachs that they don't go on hunger strike. They all ask for forgiveness and even Taeil starts to fake cry.

(End of Zico POV)



"Ms. Yi~~~~ How about we ditch these idiots and go back to your apartment?" Ji-hoon said with a smug look and slurred voice. I pushed him into the car with the other boys. I don't like being cold with the boys, but they just make me sometimes with their drunk sexual jokes towards me. It makes me feel less that they don't see me as a instructor, but a woman. I shiver at the thought and the weather.

I bow goodbye and start to walk away until I hear a sober voice from the passenger seat of the Uber.

"Y/N, do you have a ride ?" Zico asks.

"Haha, yeah.. thanks Ji-ho." I lie and turn around.

As I'm walking down the cold street, I hear footsteps to the same rhythm as mine. I ignore the sound and keep rubbing my hands together hoping they don't freeze. I was only a block away from home until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I whirled around ready to punch his face in, but I immediately stopped when I saw Zico's soft smile looking at me.

"Ha, sorry. Just wanted to make sure you got home safe." Zico blushed, when he looked at me blushing back.

I felt warm in the freezing weather.. because of how tight and snug Zico's arms were wrapped around me. I gave in and felt butterflies jumping around knowing that I was being hugged by someone I wished belonged to me.

"Zico... I-" My words were cut off. I saw Zico start sniffling and his eyes tearing up.

"A-Are you sick? What's wrong?!" I asked him worriedly. I was going to touch his forehead to check but he grabbed it.

"Y/N. I don't want to leave you here. I want to stay with you, I want to be something with you. You know how stressing the idol life is, but the reason why I'm always so happy and okay is because you're there. Because everytime we dance synced or bump into each other and bicker throughout the dance, you smile. And I love your smile. I work hard knowing that if I work harder I'll get to see it again. So Y/N can you please not leave me..."

I smiled softly and kissed him. A soft and passionate kiss on Zico's lips. His eyes went wide until they fluttered closed and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"I love you." We both said at the same time and walked home.


I know it's different.


I'm thinking of making a twitter but I don't know since I'm a multifandom and all :')

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