few drinks - k.th

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Taehyung walked in front of me, walking towards the dock where his ships was placed. I followed close behind, watching out back while trying to shake off the sleepiness.

"I'm warning you. My men aren't the most decent men. They've.. done.." Taehyung turned back, almost smirking.

"Hmm... Are you like your men?" I ask, catching up to walk beside him. Turning to him with my hand playing at his bracer, pulling on the thin strings. Taehyung raised a brow, his smirk becoming much more visible. The atmosphere seemed to change between us.

"I couldn't say...I believe that's up for you to decide." He purrs, pulling his wrist away from my hand. I smile, continuing to walk with him.

We reach the ship, men already giving me a strange glare. Whispering and jerking their head into my direction. Taehyung instructs for me to stand a bit back, clapping his hands to signal his men. We climb the rope to get into the ship, our boots thundering on the floorboards.

It was big and in good condition. Had some things that could be repaired and others that already seemed to be fixed more than once.

"Men! Gather around, I have news!" Taehyung shouts.

His voice was deeper and his brows were furrowed as he shouted his command. He looked like a leader which was no surprise when you saw his men. He placed his hand on my shoulder once everyone was gathered.

"We've received a hand. A very good hand." He corrected himself.

I pulled down the hood, staring at the men in front of me. Of course, they didn't know much about me. They just howled like the bastards that Taehyung painted them to be. There were distasteful comments in the crowd but I paid no mind. I've heard worse and insults coming from men who were missing teeth wasn't going to faze me.

"Oi, Captain! Who's this? A slave?" A man questioned almost eager.

"I'm a free woman. The Wolf of Caravana." I simply said.

The men all bursted out laughing, an expected reaction. Everyone reacted that way when they met the Wolf. It didn't bother me because they were judging on looks rather than strength.

"They've never seen women...in this-" Taehyung began but I quickly cut him off.

"Never seen women who fight and steal. They only really see when the woman asks if they have any last words." I said which seemed to gain attention from the men who were just laughing. A rather big one stepped out of the crowd, spitting near my foot.

He had a scar on his face and long hair. He would be scary if I didn't know how much of an idiot he was.

"What was that?" He asked, closing the distance between us.

"You don't speak my tongue?" I said, walking closer.

The man glared at me, the others behind him only watched in hostility. He pulled his hatchet out, causing for me to reach behind my back. My hand firmly grasping the hilt.

Turning to Taehyung, I ask, "Is it fine to cut down your man?"

Taehyung moved his glance towards the armed man who nods. Taehyung nods as well.

"If he is to fall. He will fall as a warrior and one of my men." He said.

I pull out my sword, whirring it around in a half circle.


It was now late in the afternoon.

The men all glared at me, clearly upset about today. They couldn't do anything because their Captain ordered them to lay off but I'm sure the possibility isn't zero.

I knock on the door of Taehyung's study. Hearing his voice on the other end to let me in.

"Leave us alone." He said without raising his eyes from the paper he was writing on.

The sailor nods, pushing me out of the way before slamming the door shut.

"You should've stopped him." I sigh, coming over to sit on the edge of his desk. Taehyung raised his glance, a small smile on his face.

"He wasn't going to let it go. Even if I had, you'd have the same outcome of meeting hostility." He explained, going back to writing on the paper.

It was quiet. Until I found myself curious.

"What made you into the Trickster you are now?" I asked, coming closer to sit next to Taehyung. He chuckled, putting down the pen.

"Trying to find a weakness to exploit..? Wolf?"

I smile as I shake my head.

"You said it was up to me to judge whether you were like your men." I reminded. Taehyung stretched, turning towards me with that sly smile.

"And..? Am I as cruel as them?" He purrs.

I move my hand from his bracer to his upper thigh. Giving light squeezes as I got close to his face.

"You're even worse...crueler than any man, Taehyung." I purr.

I try to pull away but Taehyung was already holding my hand, pulling me closer to him. His breathing was one of a desperate man and his eyes couldn't leave my lips. Taehyung's hands moved from my waist to my back, pulling on the string of my corset belt.

My hands wandering over to rest on his shoulders. Throwing aside my belt, he pressed his lips against mine. A deep and hungry kiss placed on them before we moved in sync. Standing, we both begin to strip. Taehyung pulling his shirt over his head while I slipped his pants halfway down.

Taehyung grabs me by the hair, pressing an aggressive kiss on my lips before pushing my down my knees. My hands caressing his thighs as I slowly took all of him in my mouth. Slowly sucking as I watch him close his eyes. Gripping onto the edge of his desk.

Soon after, his groaning filled the room. Sloppily sucking and spitting on his cock that looked like it was about to burst.

"Oh shit.. Fuck-" He groaned, both of his hands pushing me to deepthroat him. Tangled in my hair as he shoved me farther and farther down, not caring for my tears nor how I was running out of air. He was so focused on finishing that he didn't even mind my clawing.

I roll my eyes back, feeling it twitch in my mouth before he fills my mouth with cum. He finally pulls out with a lofty face, pulling me back up. Placing his fingers in my mouth to collect saliva.
"Now, I want to see you writhe around with that pathetic face. You'll do as I say." He growled in my ear, sending shivers throughout me.

"And what if I don't?" I purred, meeting his dark glare that was filled with nothing but his dark desires.

"You will. You won't even dare to disobey me." He smirked, pressing another hunger-filled kiss on my lips.

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