All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 1

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You opened your eyes and frowned when you didn't know where you were. You were lying in a booth of a bar but it was empty. This was a nice bar, a tiny stage in the front with a chair and a microphone. You didn't see anyone inside and you started to worry.

You didn't know where Dean, Sam or even Bobby was. You were alone and you didn't know how you felt about that. You got up, looking down at your chest. You vaguely remembered what happened to you last.

You were with Sam and Jake, trying to convince him that you were the good guys but he ended up turning his back on you and wanted to kill you. Wait... He did kill you. Or at least tried to. That part was still fuzzy. You actually remember him running at you with a knife but then everything went black after that.

And now here you were, in an empty bar, confused.

"Ah, you must be Y/N." You heard someone say from behind you. You whipped around to see a short man with a beard, smiling at you. Where the hell did he come from?

"Who are you?" You asked, cautious.

"I go by many names. But for right now, call me Chuck."

"Okay, Chuck, what am I doing here?" You asked, still not trusting him.

"You're here because I wanted you to be here. We have a lot to talk about, you and me. Come," He said, leading you over to a booth but you stood there, not trusting him at all. You weren't stupid, this could be a trap.

"Come on, I won't hurt you. Hurting you is actually the last thing I want to do." He said, sitting down. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go, you walked over to him, sitting across from him.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"You're in my personal little home."

"Home? This is a bar." You asked, looking around.

"Look, Y/N, you're special. You're not like any other human. You hold a different role to play than most people." Chuck said, sighing.

"A role? Like a part in a play?"

"A role as in a vessel. You're one of the most powerful vessels; bigger than Sam or even Dean combined."

"They're vessels too? Who am I being a vessel for?"

"Oh, don't worry, she's locked up right now and I don't plan on releasing her ever. She's dangerous even where she is right now." Chuck said, not making any sense.

"I'm sorry, who is she? If she's so dangerous, then why am I her vessel?" You wondered.

"If she ever gets out, she's going to come after you. Of course, she won't hurt you because if you died, she would as well and if she died, I would die which means it's the end of creation."

"But, aren't I dead now? I mean, I think I might be? I'm not exactly sure. Unless this is a dream..." You trailed off, thinking too hard about this.

"It'll feel like a dream once you wake up. You won't remember this conversation which is why I'm giving you so little information. But, when the time comes, you'll know everything I want you to know."

"How do I know when the time comes?" You asked.

"You won't know until it happens. But don't worry, by the time it does come, you'll be more than ready to take it on. I know it." He said with a smile, getting up.

"Where are you going?" You asked, seeing there were no door or windows in the place. Wait, then how did you get here in the first place?

"Opening the door for you. It's time to go home." He said with a smile.

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