Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 3

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You got to the carnival the next morning and the minivan was squeaking as Dean stopped it.

"God, I hate this car. I want my car." Dean complained, stepping out.

"Dean, with me helping, you'll be able to finish that beauty in no time." You said, holding his hand. Dean wasn't really big on public affection but he always wanted to be touching you. He didn't want you to leave him. After that incident at the hospital, you wouldn't let go of him.

"True, you're almost as good as me." Dean smiled.

"I learned from the best." You leaned up and kissed his cheek. Dean chuckled and you looked at what he was looking at. A three-foot woman in a clown suit was walking past you two and then past Sam. Sam was stiff, his hands were in his pockets and he gulped as she passed.

Aw, poor Sammy. You honestly felt bad for him. The woman stared at Sam for a moment too long before passing him by completely. Sam let out a huge breath that he was holding.

"Don't be scared, Sam, they won't bite. Unless you ask." You giggled.

"Go screw yourself." Sam said, agitated. He turned away with a roll of his eyes and you smiled.

"I'm teasing, Sam. Live a little." You giggled.

"Were there more murders?" Sam asked, dropping that topic.

"Two more last night. Apparently, they were ripped to shreds and they had a little boy with them." Dean explained.

"Who was with a clown." Sam nodded, thinking.

"Yeah, a clown, who apparently vanished into thin air."

"Guys, you know, looking for a cursed object is like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. They could be anything." You sighed, wondering where to start.

"Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to scan everything." Dean shrugged, thinking of a simple way.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't mind three strangers with a weird device, scanning anything. How are we going to blend in?" You asked, looking between both boys.

"I have an idea. Follow me." Dean let go of your hand and walked to a tent with a sign that read 'Help Wanted... s. Cooper'.

"If there is a clown position, I vote Sam." You called out, giggling at the scowl you received. You walked into the tent and frowned when you felt a strong force pass through your body. You looked at a blind man who was throwing knives at a target; all of them missing the red circle. That force was never a good thing. Your supernatural radar was going off.

"Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper, have you seen him around?" Dean asked the man, not realizing he was blind.

"What is that, some kind of joke?" The man turned and took his glasses off, revealing he was blind.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry." Dean immediately apologized.

"You think I wouldn't give my eyeteeth to see Mr. Cooper? Or a sunset, or anything at all?" The man said, getting angry. Damn, it was just a mistake.

"Wanna give me a little help here?" Dean asked his brother. Sam smirked and shook his head. Dean glared at him and a very short man walked into the room. Some may think he was a midget.

"He, is there a problem?" He asked.

"Yeah, this guy hates blind people." The blind man spoke. What the hell was going on?

"No, I don't..." Dean tried to say.

"Hey, buddy, what's your problem?" The short guy asked, glaring at Dean.

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