The Usual Suspects- Part 2

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"We better make this quick. This place is known for people to be around even after hours." You said to Dean who was working the lock on the door to Giles' office. Dean got it open in no time and you walked inside, holding your flashlight out.

"Alright, this is where Anthony was found. I think I remember reading that his "throat was slit so deep that part of his spinal cord showed". Poor guy." Sam said, shining his light over the spot where the body was found.

"So what do you think? Vengeful spirit?" You asked, walking around the office.

"I wouldn't rule it out. I mean, the guy did see that woman at the foot of his bed." Sam said, checking out the windows. You looked over at Dean who was by his desk, looking at some papers. You walked over to him and tried to read what he had.

"What is that?" You asked. When you got a better look, the paper was filled with the word 'danashulps' over and over again all across the paper.

"Maybe it's a name. Sam, check this out." You grabbed the paper and handed it to Sam who looked it over. Dean grabbed another paper off the desk and showed it to you. It was the same thing. This desk was filled with papers containing this name.

"Are you sure it's a name?" You asked, thinking this was weird.

"What else would it be? Dana Shulps must be a woman and maybe it's the woman that Giles' saw," Dean said, looking at you. "Why, if it's not a name, what is it?"

"I'm not sure yet." You said, the gears in your head turning.

"Well, when you figure it out, let me know."

"Guys, look at this." You looked at Sam and saw him breathing on the glass desk. You watched as the same letters 'danashulps' was impressed on the surface.

"Okay, I didn't think this job could get any weirder. I was wrong." You said with a humorless chuckle.

"Maybe Giles' knew her?" Dean wondered.

"Maybe it's the name of the pale red-eyed mystery woman." Sam said.

"Great, let's see if we can find anything in here that proves that to us." You walked away from the boys and to the filing cabinets where you shuffled through the papers. But there was no woman named Dana Shulps anywhere in here. You looked through all the files and no luck.

"You boys get anything?" You asked, looking at Dean who was just as frustrated as you.

"There isn't a single mention of a Dana Shulps anywhere. Not a D. Shulps or any other kind of fucking Shulps." Dean growled out. You looked over at Sam who was sitting at the computer. He couldn't get onto it but that doesn't mean he won't try.

"Sam, do you have anything? Preferably good news." You said, walking over to him.

"Sorry, Y/N, but no. There hasn't been a Dana Shulps in Baltimore in the last fifty years, at least." Sam sighed, raking his hands through his hair.

"Maybe we're looking at this all wrong." You said, sitting on the edge of the table.

"How do you suppose we look at it?" Sam asked.

"Well, the paper with the letters don't have spaces or capital letters. Now, that may not mean anything but if it were a name, and I was some spirit, I would definitely leave something like that to let people know it was a name, you know?" You said, trying to figure out the puzzle.

"Well, either way, I think I'm pretty close to figuring out Giles' password. Maybe there is something in his personal files that might give something off." Sam said, typing away.

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