“Take a breath,” he said. I did as he said, drawing in a shaky breath. “I saw her and she is okay. A little bruised and beat up but she is alive,” he continued. My blood started to boil and I could feel my limbs starting to shake. They tortured and beat her.

“What else happened?” I asked through gritted teeth, trying to keep myself as calm as I could manage. Jacob came to stand beside me which helped but only a little.

“She told all of us her story and how she got involved with the Volturi. She is a brave girl Embry,” he replied with a pat on my shoulder where his hand had laid. He walked over to Emily and gave her a kiss on the cheek with the scars. I watched him. Was that all he was going to say? I was about to say something when he spoke once again. “I have lifted the ban.”

I stopped everything. It felt like all the sounds around me had dulled to silence and the only thing I heard were his words repeating in my head. Lifted the ban, lifted the ban, lifted the ban. After a few seconds, the meaning of his words came crashing down onto me. I could see her.

“I’m going to the Cullens’,” I said hurriedly, making my way to the front door which Sam had left opened when he came in. Sam calling after me made me stop before exiting the house.

“She’s not there,” he said. I felt my stomach drop. Had she left again? She really didn’t want to see me. Obviously seeing my distress, Sam quickly continued. “She told me to tell you to meet her where you first saw each other,” he exclaimed, a smile that usually doesn’t adorn his face returning.

My mind raced through all the memories I had of Lamia. The first day of school where she tried to avoid me. The few dates I have taken her on which I promised to do more of. The dance where she looked like an angel. The moment she told me she loved me too. My mind flashed back to seeing her on the beach with her camera. That was where she was . At the beach. With a nod, I was out the door. It wouldn’t take me long to reach her so I stayed in human form as I ran through the woods. The closer to the spot I got, the more my heart wanted to burst from the anticipation to see her. To bring her into my arms once again. With my feet pounding the ground, I hoped she would be waiting for me.

Lamia’s POV

            After Jasper dropped me off, I was left alone. I stood at the part of the beach that seems to have become Embry and my spot. Looking out into the waves did little to calm my nerves. I had thought that Alice had taken too long and Embry would be here waiting for me but the beach was deserted. I bit at my lip as I looked up and down the beach looking for any sign of Embry.

            Maybe Sam had been mistaken. He had said that Embry wanted to see me but perhaps he was wrong. He could have told me that to make me feel better or maybe Embry couldn’t remember where we first saw each other. The day was burned in my mind because it was the first time that I thought that maybe I couldn’t go through with the job the Volturi leaders had given me. It was the day that my life started to change.

            A crashing through the woods caught my attention. I turned to scan the tree line but I couldn’t see anything. The breaking of sticks and the rustle of leaves was loud in the quiet evening air but where was it coming from. Then out of nowhere, a figure burst through the trees and came to a halt.

            My heart jumped into my throat and I swayed slightly at the sight of Embry standing only a few feet away. He froze as he looked over at me, our eyes meeting. He walked closer slowly and stopped right in front of me. His eyes scanning my whole body like he was trying to memorize every part of me.

            I took in his appearance too. He looked tired and worry lines stretched across his forehead. He looked a little thin which never happens seeing as shifters could eat everything and anything in large portions. His eyes were the same though. Warm, deep brown that caused a wave of feelings to wash over me.

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